Other Scott

Would have been nice if we got a true throwback and had Jeff doing no narration, at least for that.

People always hate men's alliances. I kind of know why, but in a way it's not terrible strategy.

I think it's high time to bring back the "hide the winner in the first episode" edit.

That's draaaah.

It's too bad I didn't watch Blood vs Water until recently. I would have voted for Culpepper every time easily.

He wasn't nearly so touchy or flirty the first time around, he just was sort of a nice guy. It's easy to keep him around when your other options are Laura B and Kat. He just tried to double down on being manipulative and it went poorly.

You'd think Keith would be good at balancing a torch judging by how well he could balance balls on a platform in SJDS.

Varner goes into the early pre-merge swing vote category of players, who almost always do really well and never win:
(Examples: Will, Kass, Rob C, Colby, Fairplay, Eliza sort of, Chase)

Jeff (Probst) just wanted to point out that there was an elephant in the room I think.

We'll go with "it was a long walk"

Really? Spencer seemed to get Survivor this episode. He was one of the people who was seemingly straddling both alliances.

To be fair, I think the main reason Vytas got voted out was because he was a threat on the wrong alliance. The show doesn't like to acknowledge the existence of pre-game alliances though, so they used another reason.

So, confirmed that Aras is indeed the better Baskauskas?

I think I'll post mine everywhere just to be annoying.

I'm as big of an OITNB fan as there is, but I did not like this episode. There was just nothing in it that was the slightest bit compelling to me. Sorry, Chang.

I watched this Sunday and I still have that song stuck in my head. I'm sure it will leave eventually.

I like the show a lot, but I can't help but think it would have been better if each episode was a little more focussed. I would be OK with spending 3/4s of each episode on one person as it became their turn to become big to the plot, and then giving a bit of time to the rest as necessary. Doing it Cloud Atlas movie

If the choices are between being a casual and liking Nicaragua, I'll happily join the ranks of the casuals.

Ian couldn't stay on the buoy for 36 hours. He couldn't stay on the buoy for another 1 hour I don't believe.

I don't think I ever have enjoyed challenges as much as this season. The Sierra barrel rolling was the highlight, but there was also Dan's terrible slide puzzles, Will and Dan going down the slide poorly, the impossible word scramble puzzle, the first immunity challenge where Joe just killed the tree puzzle in about 5