Other Scott

Sierra wasn't really allied with any of them though. Sierra wasn't really allied with anyone:
Original Blue Collar Alliance: Mike, Kelly, Rodney, Dan - Sierra was getting votes tossed her way
Post Merge Rodney Alliance: Rodney, Will, Carolyn, Kelly (later Tyler)

It's one of Rob's pet theories, it comes up a lot.

I sense your disappointment is not because of Chelsea's gameplay or personality.

I don't love Troyzan or anything, but he did keep that season from being a complete bore for at least a couple episodes and he was on the majority of my ballots.

And if they did, the fact that the cast turned out so well should be enough to stop the "Ewwwww…casuals" thing that goes around.

Except Shirin was clearly trying to think of something else other than dead fish and Dan was just like, "nah, let's stick with that."

I'm upvoting you even though you're making fun of me.

Seriously. Please?

I think Tom is one of the greatest winners of all time. Mike's alright, but he's not Tom.

I like Shirin as a person and really as a character, but I feel having her and her specific personality type on Survivor can bring out the worst in the players around her. And that I don't want to see.

Keith learning the game is debatable.

Is there really that much of an overlap between those who takes what happens on the show as gospel and those who know about Dan attacking the show?

That's the frustrating thing to me about the "You have to make moves!" attitude that has permeated Survivor. Sometimes the majority already wants to do what is best for your game. Why would you go out of your way to do something different?

I think I voted for every one of the women at one point or another except for Carolyn and Kimmi.

I dunno. Mike even called him a goat when he said his reason for trying to save Carolyn was because he didn't want to be the person who took two goats.

Sierra was playing the Vecepia game more than Carolyn was. She really messed up that final 5 situation though.

I like that the Carolyn, Joe, Mike trio is so strong that someone with Max made it to the Champions league.

This is true, but it does not explain why the target switched from Carolyn to Sierra between votes. If Sierra was the biggest threat, why wasn't she the biggest threat the vote before?

Monica Padilla also campaigned really hard and has the additional advantage of being good looking.

I've cooled a lot on this season since last I talked to you, because I think the overall season narrative kind of sucks. But I still had a lot of fun in those first 9-10 episodes before all the fun people got voted out, and the fact that only boring and/or horrible people plus Mike were left in the final 7 doesn't