Other Scott

Yeah, I know why Mike won. I'm just saying Carolyn probably would have had my vote.

I have trouble thinking of a worse move by someone who won the game. It completely burned his allies for the rest of the season.

It's still incredible to me that Mike survived Jenn's idol play. Really, they targeted Kelly there?

I thought Sierra was playing a great game, but she deserved her boot. She had her ticket to the million if she stuck with Rodney and Will (if Mike lost immunity, which he probably wasn't going to) and then ditched it to try to form an alliance with Carolyn and Mike, the two people who could conceivably beat her. It

That's actually not true. Max was a potential ally, even if she didn't want him to be, and he was her decision. Tyler was 100% her decision, only she and Sierra voted for him. She could have eliminated someone other than Dan when she played her idol if she really wanted to.

Nah, Colby wasn't going to be voted out every single time if he didn't win immunity.

That's not true. I don't think anyone was voting against Carolyn. It's just when someone is able to win all the immunities and have relationships with everyone on the jury, he's going to get the votes, even if he was very fortunate to be sitting there.

Honest question: Was this season the best version of Probst?

I really liked Jim Rice when he recapped one of the episodes on RHAP earlier in the year. He almost single-handedly made me not completely dread eventually watching South Pacific in that he was the first person who made the season sound like something other than a complete drag.

I would go so far as to say this was a very unique season of Survivor.

Woo for me is like Keith for a lot of other people. He is just so fun and entertaining who cares that he doesn't know how to strategize. I actually find Keith a lot less entertaining.

It really makes me think they did just take the top 10 and didn't interfere. Like if CBS had any control, why wouldn't they just switch Shane and Terry? Having both Savage and Terry is pretty redundant.

I really wish juries would stop posing for the camera. Even if you know who to vote for, ask a question that will help others make up their minds, don't just posture.

I think I might have voted Carolyn.

Absolutely, I don't see the argument otherwise.

It's not poor logic to make final 3 deals with better players if you can't actually beat anyone. At least that way you get final 3.

Thanks Prom King. These were a lot of fun and it was good to see your thoughts.

Actually, who the winner is has almost no bearing of my enjoyment of a season. I don't need narratives that the story is leading us towards to have happy endings, I just need a clear path through the narrative, and things to stay interesting for as long as possible. Sometimes a tragedy can be just as good and

Didn't we have this discussion last week? This season has a lot of interesting things happening so that the awfulness isn't really front and centre for me. Fiji had a lot of boring things happening so the awfulness was all that was around most episodes.

Nervously raises hand…