Other Scott

Yeah, I forgot about Baylor and how she was really the key to Natalie winning that season.

A quick review shows it was Wet Biscuit McGlee. They aren't doing much better, though they do have Mike.

I don't particularly like Carolyn but this was an excellent post in her defense.

I'm pretty sure that's where she got it from.

This is phrased confusingly. I think you mean that the show won't hand deliver your idol to you if you are forced away from your camp, right?

I do like that one. Doesn't quite encompass how vile the alliance is though.

Yeah, but as you have said yourself many times, a lot of these challenges are just glorified carnival games. And as soon as we get to another balance challenge for instance, well, I don't like Mike's chances quite as much.

Nah, I didn't forget. I just don't know whether the producers would allow that to happen as "part of the game" and "not technically against the rules" to generate more excitement. They did let Tyler take Dan's bag off into a more secluded location so he could read the clue.

I think a big reason things are so much easier now is because of the previous seasons of Survivor. These people have all seen all the difficulties that other seasons have had, and taken steps to prevent it.

It didn't change my opinion of him as a person or a player. I never really thought Jon was a great player or anything, I just felt obliged to fight against those calling him dumber than a sack of hammers, because there's no evidence to support that.

That's a good thing! It means you focus on the comment and not necessarily the other opinions of the person giving the comment.

To play it, absolutely. To grab it and use it to pretend you have an idol though? Is that allowed?

I can only speak for the places I go, but Reddit is pretty split over it. It's at least half and half and probably leaning more towards positive. I don't go to Sucks very often because I really don't like the place, but they seem to be pretty high on the season last I checked. And Rob and Steven and most of Rob's

I don't believe anyone wins by default. Even the absolute worst winners.

I like frozen yogurt.

But it's already taken! The Guatamala alliance was called the Axis of Evil.

Too bad they can't see the edit while they're on the island.

I can't see why not?

It was an opinion, not necessarily a lie. There are a lot of people that love this season.

I think I may be about to lose all 4 of my players all in a row. That's a prize, right?