Other Scott

It's a problem the show has that anyone who's very articulate about their options and open to other possibilities is presented as wishy-washy because the show has to drum up drama. I think Sierra's been much more decisive than they're showing, but they hide that to keep the suspense going into tribal council.

Now I wish Jon was in this season so everybody could be with me aboard the "Jon Misch rules" train.

I think Dan (and maybe Rodney…maybe) are acting irrationally in the other alliance. Mike's a threat and has been recognized as a threat. That's pretty rational.

Much more than One World is not a high bar.

Even if he wins some immunities and plays his idol while the alliance cannibalizes itself, as soon as he's vulnerable, it would be pretty dumb of the alliance not to drop everything they were doing and vote him out pronto. He's got a tough path to win.

"Could this season be more predictable and boring?"

I would still be on the Will bandwagon!

Both have a ton of big sweeping strategic moves, which is probably the main connection of this current era of Survivor. But from a cast and storytelling perspective, these seasons are nothing alike. It's actually pretty uncommon to have two similar seasons back to back. RI and SP are the only ones that come to mind


Probst was really awful at the start of the season with how hard he pushed the "white collar, blue collar, no collar" thing, but he's actually been great pretty well since the swap.

Wait, you just explained exactly what the editors did and concluded with I don't have any idea what the editors are doing?

I'm really excited to watch Vanuatu next up. It seems like a pretty fascinating season that may have been ahead of its time, which is why it was poorly received.

I pick Dan. Will had one really bad week and arguably his comment today.

Sierra's argument is
a) She lost her main ally on Day 12, she's been playing by herself ever since
b) She didn't want to form strong alliances in the main alliance because they are all terrible people
c) Because of that, she never got opportunity to flip because she was always only one vote
d) She got to the end despite

Every episode there's so much I want to talk about. This week I think I'll focus on Tyler.

There's been a lot of exciting things that have happened, like this tribal council. For those who can stomach the amount of unlikable cast members left, it has been a really good season.

I really am ready for Dan to be off the show now. I at least get some form of enjoyment out of Rodney, but Dan is just awkward and crummy.

First time watches. But I know who all the winners are and most of the big events, so they're more like half-rewatches. I think I could name almost the entire HvV boot order and I haven't seen it yet.

I like having conversations with you as well. We need to get all these in before you shun me for stealing your season ranking idea once I get through the next 16-18 seasons that I have still to go.

I think my definition of an ugly incident is different than yours. To me, an ugly incident is Erika getting voted out despite finding Ravu's of food because she started screaming during the challenge, which the men found annoying. Ugly incidents are Lisi and Stacey insisting Liliana go out because she's "flirting with