Other Scott

OK. I'll go through these points one by one:
1. It's difficult to get past the emotions of this one, but this season has also had a ton of fun things happen to balance. In the premiere, we had Mike eating a scorpion, we had Jenn and her idol play, we had that ridiculously fun idol search. Just last week was a fun

She actually compared Christina to one of her students and meant it as an insult! It was incredible.

Remember this from your last post:

Well, I'm one Mike point away from drawing dead.

That's a good point. People were kind of suitably horrified as well.

Well, the first half of Nicaragua had NaOnka tackling the one legged girl to get an idol clue. She was really not nice to poor Kelly Bruno.

This may be the year where the zero percent club breaks completely.

I could not tell very well, and I have to rewatch it, but it looked like Rodney started to pile onto Shirin as well for a brief second during the rant but it got cut away from.

I disagree. I think he goes too far, but there's also early season challenges where you aren't quite sure what's happening.

It might have been worse than any of Colton's individual scenes, debatably, but Colton had a lot of them that weren't confined to one outburst over two days.

Maybe Probst isn't as blatantly misogynist as everyone says?

I don't believe we can call anyone a horrible human being for the things we see on Survivor. Partly because it's edited, partly because they are tired and hungry and I don't believe any of that crap about "revealing who you really are" and partly because people screw up and say stupid things at times and that doesn't

These are pretty much my thoughts exactly. I don't really know what to do with this season. So much of it is great, and fun, and this episode was certainly so fascinating, but we can't have a successful season with this much awfulness, can we?

Understand completely. He really doesn't deserve the defense, but I'm giving it to him any way because part of me feels bad for the guy.

I think Will wishes he was gone last week, now.

Well, and Natalie, who was a smart person who decided to hide amongst the idiots

Andy's missing too. Hmmm….


Also, who knew that Sierra of all people came up with the title of the season!

I don't think that makes it OK…