Other Scott

I think before this I thought that all ways to play the game are equally valid, if they work. I was wrong. I hate when people play the game like this.

Yeah, but when you accuse someone like Will of hoarding food, there's an implication there, rightfully or wrongfully. I suspect Will's weight is a hot button topic for him and he just wasn't going to take that.

Time to interrupt this dressing down of Will with my thoughts on Survivor Fiji:

That said, wouldn't it have been interesting to see Will's reaction while he was watching the episode?

Sometimes, the small advantage you get to your game by having one person rail into another is not worth the damage it's going to do to a person.

That letter thing was straight out of the Russell Hantz playbook.

What about Zoe?

I'm leaning towards Tyler being the main reason this season has turned the way it has. Playing people against each other is good gameplay, but it makes a mess of the TV show. There may be more instances we aren't seeing too.

Why you got to rub it in, goo?

Yeah, that was awful. I think Will was just determined that he wasn't going to back down on this and then when Shirin started quoting real stuff he just didn't know how to act. He quieted down pretty quick when she started crying.

a) Colton also had the thing with Bill
b) Colton was the one actually saying all the awful things

No. Don't be silly.

Shirin will not beat Mike. She may not even have the core no collar's vote against Mike. But I feel like she probably has 4 votes against almost anyone else, which should be enough to win.

Literally no one has been ejected from the auction because of bidding on a hidden item before. It was Survivor being its completely unfair, unjust self. It wasn't a fairness thing and for Shirin to act like "the integrity of the game" was at stake. The game has no integrity. The idea that Will should not be allowed to

I actually hated that. Because if he didn't verbally assault her, making him not get his letters because "he made his bed" would have been awful. Shirin was bidding on that covered thing too.

Confrontation is OK. Personal attacks on your family and home life. Not good. Very bad. Very, very bad.

And the rest of them traded $20. It's not like anyone did anything to get those letters. Will just didn't get his because the game decided to screw him.

I agree with this. But still, Will was so much worse and completely out of line. There's no getting around that.

I just watched Fiji. I'm about to post my thoughts. Fiji is so much worse.

I have found parts of the season fun. This episode was not fun. That doesn't make it necessarily a "bad" episode in my book, but it was not fun.