Other Scott

Part of me wants to see the awful people win, just to make this into the Game of Thrones of Survivor seasons. Dark, nihilistic, fascinating and entertaining. We can end with Rodney celebrating his million dollar check and donating part of it to the men's rights movement.

It's not the worst season because everything a) the gameplay is still good and driven by emotion, which is better than things being purely strategy in my opinion and b) I think there's a difference between casting awful people, and people being made awful by the stress of the game. Early on in the game almost everyone

I think the exact point this season turned is when Kelly and Hali went out.

Also, the hoarding food thing directly connects with his weight, which is probably a sensitive issue.

Like, was Mike's move even allowed? Once you commit to buying something, don't you have to buy it?

I…don't know.

Well, they couldn't possibly have known Will was going to do this through the casting process. Like everyone saw him as this nice guy for 26 days out there. And all the cool people have all been eliminated, which is also something they probably didn't see coming.

That was a fascinating episode. The rest of the season may be screwed because everything has turned so bad, but the episode itself was fascinating.

Let's just say they aren't necessarily fans of his personality.

Pick the past season of Survivor that most closely compares to this one so far.

It's a fair criticism. I think I said somewhere else in this comment section that I can understand the argument that this season is unpleasant, because large parts of it have been. I don't think we've reached the unpleasantness level of some of the really awful seasons, but there has been unpleasant parts. I don't

It appears we're down to two people with all their players left:
VeronicaMarsIsBrightTonight (17th) and Mack Attack (24th)

I don't recall Rodney ever being particularly mean-spirited. Doesn't make him a good person, or likable or anything, but he's not Dan.

Yes, but then there's a difference between just talking about quitting and actively trying to manipulate circumstances to remove yourself from the game.

Also known as the Jaclyn dilemma.

1. Wouldn't have helped. They still split the vote, he still goes home.

I have a strong desire to reply to this, but I already said I won't be annoying until next week.

Sometimes entertaining the viewers is more important than maintaining a "winner's edit."

I'll decide next week.

I get this feeling Jenn now knows everyone is going to try to take her to the end as a goat, so that anyone who actually tries it she is going to screw over hard.