Other Scott

Yeah, that's why I suggested she may not be a great counterpoint.

We will be on this island fowever and ever and ever…

What's best for Will that he hasn't done?

Those episodes are really weird in hindsight. Were they just trying to throw us off the scent of Mike's victory march that was coming?

We passed that point weeks ago.

What would you propose he did instead?

He's still a huge threat, and he's playing with players who appear to be able to recognize a huge threat when they see one (unlike, say, One World). He really has to play well to win. Not saying he can't do it, or even that he won't, but it will take some serious skill.

Joaquin over Tyler I think. Joaquin has himself a fanbase.

Medallion of Power actually made the game more fair, not less. Because production thought it was a good idea to constantly put young people up against old people.

Pretty much. He's got a much better shot in a returnee season than a newbie season anyways, so that's good for him.

Sierra would beat Shirin I think. Just because someone is invisible in the edit does not necessarily make them a goat. It just means they aren't winning.

Team Will! Feel free to join me, there's a lot of spots to fill still on this team.

Hey, flipping around with Tony nearly won Woo the game!

There's quite a few flippers who would have won had things gone differently at final 3 though. And if your definition of flipper is that narrow, then there just isn't a very big sample size to draw from.

Except by doing this she probably takes away any chance to win at the end. It's gotta be legit.

Guatamala just seemed like the worst. Between the challenge that scrubbed people's skin off, the heat, the lack of ability to swim, and the lack of actual gameplay going on through most of that game leading to boredom, and having to constantly deal with Jamie, Judd and Stephanie, that would not have been a season I

Worth it.

I think both of them have had enough screentime, even though they've had they're invisible episodes. Carolyn had a massive premiere and swap episode and Tyler had a big episode last week.


Boring? Like when he won two immunities ago and Jenn played her idol?