Other Scott

Why couldn't Ian Rosenberger win as well?

I may rewatch that Will slide at least once a day until next week. The Wilhelm scream was so perfect with it as well.

On an "it hasn't appeared yet" note, Vanuatu is freakin high.

And Yau-Man's wasn't? It was a smiling coconut. Let's not give Yau-Man credit over Ozzy just because we like Yau-Man and don't like Ozzy.

I think she's not quitting because she doesn't want to be known as a quitter.
(Though quits in the past have just been asking people to vote them out. Like Osten, for example.)

Congratulations. You didn't end that sentence with a preposition.

No, Rodney's still bad. He just also happens to be funny. Those two aren't mutually exclusive.

I have questions:

My chances in this league seem to hinge on Rodney.

Prove it

Well, no. Knowing your name is being written down, but thinking you have the numbers to overcome it, though not being sure is not a blindside. Hali knew there was a chance she was going home. She just thought there was a better chance she would stay.

But it also gives you a 33.3% higher chance of going home when you do go to tribal council (comparing 3 tribe 18 player seasons to 2 tribe 16 player seasons)

Well, there was the Jeremy blindside last season. That was somewhat set up in the episode with the whole, "Oh man, Jeremy's going to come back from Exile and know I have the idol" plot from Jon though.

Yeah, Dan has no power. Let's say he wanted to get Shirin out next week because she was a dumb superfan, but Joe loses immunity. You really think his alliance is going to go "OK, Dan!" Dan has to vote with whichever way his alliance goes.

Hali's Ponderosa video says she thinks that Shirin flipped on them twice.

Depends if you see "evil gameplay" as screwing over the people that are liked. There's plenty of desire for that to be punished.

Would you at least be more entertaining than Tyler?

No, I mean the slippery basketball one. The pig snout one he beat Anthony, which was not so good because it led to Anthony getting bullied more.

Oh, Hali's jury expressions will be awesome as well.

From our perspective that would be great, but we usually have more information than the players do.