Other Scott

And even if they do, the White Collars are definitely not getting Pagong'd.

In Survivor, if I can be on one of team "decent humans" or "awful people no jury is going to vote for" I'm taking the latter.

The misogyny in Fiji was subtler, but worse. The problem with Fiji was the misogynists who wanted to vote out all the weak women were getting their way. Even if they weren't outright stating things like "shut your mouth, open your ears, and watch what happens."

Was Haves vs Have Nots Jeff's idea? I feel like he has more power now than he did even then

Agreed except for the whole following Joaquin around like a lost puppy thing. That wasn't great.

It Will…

Except for Tyler I agree with that list completely. Plus I also find the awful people entertaining, and no one takes them seriously enough for their awfulness to actually matter to people.

I actually see no scenario in which those are the next six boots

A good one :)

Put it this way. If you are Joe, you can't be Joe. It's not possible to have a bigger target on your back than Joe has right now, and the game is all about keeping the target off your back.

How dare you speak of Papa Bear like that. When he decimated either Mookie or Rocky (can't remember which despite only watching it a month ago) in a challenge despite already being sick, it was one of the season's best moments.

Really? I think Tyler is pretty clearly out for himself. He and Will are both playing Sandra games right now where they just take whatever side makes most sense in that exact moment.

Mike has been playing a great game, at least since the "if I get voted out for being a hard worker, then vote me out."
I've come around to the show believing that was a good edit though, which is sort of crazy.

Wait, so you say Survivor is a game of flying under the radar, and then you say Dan's arrogance deserved to be directed at Will for flying under the radar? I'm confused.

I don't think anyone forgets that. It should be the first thing anyone thinks of when they think of Rodney.

The edit this season is fascinating. I can't say it's good or bad until we see the end game, but it is definitely fascinating.

It's definitely Dan. I don't think it's close actually.

At least there will be Mike.

Mike and Jenn have dueling winner's edits and it's really interesting. It's like Earl and Yau-Man's edits if they were on opposite alliances.

From what Rodney was saying, it sounds like the original plan was Hali last time as well, but they switched it to Jenn without telling Will to test him.