Other Scott

And this is what is keeping the Pagonging happening. I'm convinced that until Joe is voted out, no one is flipping to the other side.

I dunno, I like being on the alliance of goats that Sierra is on. Especially since Sierra isn't all that far from a goat herself. She really wants to compete with Jenn, Joe and Hali at the end?


I would argue that Sierra and Nina are the only two casting failures this season. Nina because they should have learned from the mess Christy gave them to work with in the Amazon, and Sierra because they wanted her to be this strong woman, but she's been a non-entity.

I think this has potential to be the most divisive season since Caramoan, possibly even more divisive.

That means you can stop caring in the slightest about what I think!

I'm sure I can find another one. Week 2 maybe.

I've seen Panama as top 10, so you aren't really out of step with the masses unless it's like top 3.

Andy also expressed confusion over my strong dislike of Mookie on twitter, and it comes down to this: he was actively making the show worse by eliminating interesting females who screwed up in challenges.

Well…he did vote out the person he browbeat and they weren't going to be on the jury. I hold that against him because it isn't cool, but I don't because the Outcasts was unfair.

I feel like people are mad at Will, and calling him stupid, not because his move was particularly bad, because they are emotionally invested in how Jenn, Joe and Hali do.

I dunno. Listening to how people talk about Dan in exit interviews, where they're like "he's really a sweet guy when he's not showing off for the camera" (Lindsay in particular) makes me think he's not the goat everyone here thinks he is.

One thing I forgot to mention. No one has ever been saved by an idol and went on to win the game. Jenn might break that streak.

Is that a search term people have used to get to your blog?

This is one of those cases where I feel one like is not sufficient.

I honestly think that there was no bad gameplay in that episode. Some gameplay was better than others, but no one made a bad move.

Just so many awful people:

I watched that episode in the past week. I got a distinct sense of deja vu here.

That would have put this possibly ahead of Cagayan and H/V as greatest merge episode of all time. Possibly.

Tyler's likable? I guess so, but man that guy is like watching paint dry to us at home.