Other Scott

But that Carolyn-Kelly relationship also may have screwed Jenn's chances of getting Carolyn on her side this vote.

I don't know. In Nicaragua (that season you haven't seen) everyone Chase flipped on ended up ended up voting for him.


He's jacked for a reason, bro.

I thought this was a reply the the comment from Nerd above you. It made it so much better.

Will is a separate entity than Tyler and Carolyn. If you split the votes and any one of them are not on your side you lose and you no longer have a majority. If you get idoled than you have a chance of going home, but you also maintain the majority.

I loved the pre-merge idol. It may be my favourite.

My favourite scenario is that Will lied to them and told him he thought Jenn was going home, which prompted Jenn to play her idol.

You mean Dan and Shirin. And still no.

Only for the sake of my pick 4 team. Otherwise, no.

For the first time ever, I am higher in the standings than the number of players left in the game. Plus, I have two goats!

What were Joe and Sierra doing this episode? Was Joe just like, "Yeah, got immunity. I'll wait for Jenn and Hali to tell me what to do."

Dan might beat Shirin. Not even joking.

And how well did that end up for the show? I think they've learned their lesson about bringing back the Colton's and Brandon's of the world.

Bring back Kelly! Bring back Kelly!

Jenn is getting the winnersiest winner's edit, but not sure how much that means in this day and age of Survivor. At least until you get to the last 5 or so and realize no one else can win.

I wish the Sad Lil person from Reddit and Purple Rock were here.

So he's going to jump back to the minority because he feels disrespected because they didn't trust him to turn on the people he was with since Day 1? Very few are that dumb. Not even Rodney was that dumb.

You think Mike would be in on the joke of making fun of conservative, patriotic America? That seems like a stretch.

This is possibly as high as I've seen Fiji ranked. I'm watching it now and am not tremendously impressed.