Other Scott

Aw, poor Kelly. I really liked her, and thought she played a nice game. The fact that Rodney included her in the alliance with the ultimate goal of taking out Mike showed how well she hid that relationship in a game where power couples are immediately targeted.

The bad news, Violina, is there are people ahead of you who have those same three players, so it will be hard (impossible) to beat them.

I still don't like it. The last thing we want is people voting based on what was done in other seasons, or how players were portrayed in the edit in other seasons.

More liked than Woo, apparently. Which is really hard to believe from the TV personas of the two of them.

With you and Andy so negative on it I was hoping for "interesting trainwreck". It was a boring, nonsensical trainwreck. So that wasn't great.

Yeah, with Joaquin gone there's very little chance that Rodney gets any jury votes from anyone against anyone.

It was too bad we never had Jon/ John situation last season. Each vote would need a clarification that they got the right spelling for the right name.

Don't spoil your list! We're all in suspense here.

Yeah, it's not a certainty that he goes home or anything, but I don't think it looks good. And he has had a nice merge boot edit…

My question about that reward: They made it sound like there were a bunch of turtles that would be coming. There was one turtle.

Very few other people thought that was obvious. I wasn't onto Natalie for sure until the double episode where she did everything right.

I think at this point in the game, you can eliminate people based on edit.

There's part of me hoping that Rodney is the Lil of this season. Tears everyone's plans into pieces out of pure emotional spite and then gets destroyed in the final 3.

Too obvious of a winner's confessional? I think Survivor knows a lot of us are onto that sort of stuff.

Right. The seasons that have Jury members who haven't played with all the players really make no sense.

I'm really curious as to how much Kelly's head injury played to her inability to do that challenge. Is she just really bad at memory games?

I think the keeping the vote secret is a pretty unimportant part of the editors job. Most weeks it's not like you're going to be shocked either way, so unless you're really invested in one of the people, suspense is minimal.

I noticed this as well, then I saw one of the votes had all three letters of Joe on the left side of the paper and thought, huh, maybe not.

Mike had a great episode, made great decisions based on the information he was given, and ultimately made a decision that may doom him.

SJDS edit shouldn't be an outlier. That was a great edited season that made up for a lot of problems.