Other Scott

It might be just me, but I like pre-emptively switching when relying on a swing vote. Don't leave it at a 50/50 chance that you'll be on the bottom.

I think it's not the water that's the concern, it's the pot. They'll probably be fine, but they don't know whether any contagions sticking to the pot will boil away.

I agreed with every single comment here, especially the stuff about Jenn.

I am really liking this so far as well. The good thing is that people are voting out most of the bad players early (which doesn't always happen), which is leaving us with mostly good players, with is a good combination with the fact that most of the cast is pretty entertaining.

The lack of tact afterwards was the whole problem though. They made it sound like it was Sierra's fault she was left out of the loop and the second option.

In reference to the nothing under the buffs, hopefully, the players went into that reward challenge knowing a swap was a very good possibility.

Finally watched the episode.

Do they all love Jon Misch? Maybe I should be over there.

Yeah. I have a tendency to nitpick whenever someone tries a generalized statement. Probably should have left that one alone.

Part of that is that Joaq made sure that So was the one telling the story and So was the one doing the scheming afterward and he just kind of sat back and said neutral things (get it?).

I don't think this is true or even should be true. People who have agreed to a committed and monogamous relationship deserve any "business" they get when they sleep with someone outside that relationship, at least from the other person.

I'm all about the harsh contrasts. That's why I'm not watching these in order.

This is the point where I get to brag about taking Max off my team post-episode 1. That's right, when everyone was piling onto the bandwagon, I was piling off.

I think Guatamala was ultimately undone by the editing. The characters are fantastic, you had a great location, and possibly one of the best winner games ever. But you get to the end of the season and you have no clue what just happened. They didn't carry through a story, when there was such an obvious story to carry

Haven't gotten to watch this yet, and probably won't before the comments section dies. It seems like the season has really taken an unpleasant turn though, and with not that many options to cheer for going into this episode, that's not a good sign.

Really? The 3 Cs, the lack of self awareness, using the fact he's jacked to show his worth ethic? Rodney was comedy gold this episode.

Which is why should should only put people that have a real 0% chance (eg you shouldn't put Kelly on there)

It was hard to imagine Nina voting for someone other than Will and then playing an idol though. But I guess you do it in case of the 0.01% chance?

So, Boston Rodney is the new Judd, right? Sentences are a million words long, check. Bad grammar, check. Made up words, check.

We are assuming that was a vote split, then?