Other Scott

I have 4 episodes left in Australia and I'm not sure what the big deal about Colby is either. Probably something to do with the fact he's the only good looking male left on the season who has some semblance of a personality.

Yeah, Vanuatu is one of those I haven't seen yet.

Well, she meant it in a "do you want us to vote you out" type way, so that would be the time to have that conversation, yes. And really, that's the way Vince tried to sell it immediately when they got back to camp, that Will didn't want to be there anymore because of how it was affecting his health. Which is really

I like San Juan Del Sur! I've got it ahead of China as well.

From that season, I believe. Or it might have been from any season up to that point.

Jenna Morasca would like to express all the difficulties of being young and beautiful in Survivor.

Will managed to form a close relationship with Nina alright, so it's not like she was making it impossible. It's just difficult when you have to clarify absolutely everything you say. I can understand people being like, "well, that's not worth the effort to do that all the time."

I strenuously disagree about Nina whining should earn your disgust. It's immensely frustrating when you are having trouble being social in a game that requires you to be social, and Nina was clearly having trouble.

Had they just not picked the title when this was filming?

My issue with that is then you shouldn't give Hali or Jenn points either. You either penalize all of them for not being in on what actually happened, or you don't penalize Joe just because he happened to get the wrong name to vote for.

I like the 34-way tie for 29th that's going on.

First off, based on your second paragraph you probably need to rewatch Amazon. There's one point where Christie gets frustrated at everyone for not helping her build the shelter, then when eventually they come around and start to help, Christie's like, "Actually, I don't want to do that anymore." There's also one

There's two types of "threats to win Survivor" though. For the Sandra and Vecepia type threats, who the Survivor fan out there should not underestimate, you kind of need to get them out early because no one is going to bother to get them out later.

Nicaragua hasn't shown up yet.

For Nina, I don't think it was about the skinny dipping as much as the skinny dipping was kind of the last straw. She knew she wasn't one of the cool kids in her alliance because of her age and her condition. The skinny dipping just reinforced that point.

Post the second: On Will

Post the first: On Nina

It still amazes me that Deena tried to flip on her alliance at all. Rob gets all the credit in Amazon for the jumping alliance game, but Deena was the first Survivor to try to turn on her alliance from a strong position. She was trying to play the Rob C game before Rob (and clearly not as well.)

Didn't you think Joaquin was going to be like Drew? He wasn't really anything like Drew. He wasn't good, but not like Drew.

I wanted to keep Joaquin, because it did seem like he just let So dig her own grave, but I think everyone's probably right and there's just nothing there.