Other Scott


Can you post which teams are taken, Judge? I know it's going to switch rapidly, but constantly trying to get taken teams may not be fun.

I was hoping she meant Katie Gallagher from Palau. That's a disappointment.

Hali, Joaquin, Max, Shirin

Yeah, I think Survivor got a little lucky on that one that both tribes weren't competing to see who could do the best job throwing those two challenges.

The swap in China is very possibly the most unfair thing I've ever seen in Survivor, and that includes the Outcasts ." Pick two really strong players that you want to deprive the other tribe of by throwing challenges to get rid of them!"

The order I watch seasons is completely determined by a random method. Next up is China.

I've argued against this before in my Jon crusades, so I'm not going to go back into this.

Plus, as unfair as the Outcasts was, it (probably) ended up making the season more entertaining.

I think I've agreed with every single comment you posted so far Finky.

Man, what a great article. I was kind of aware of this while I was watching, but hearing Mario on the Survivor Historians podcast and reading this really points out how great it was.

Last season the theme was puzzles, this season it was balancing balls on flat moving surfaces.

I had no idea what you were referring to the first time. Now I'm going to be sorry because I have to correct you.

I'm kind of Jenna's side on this one. Her mom has cancer, Christie, let her have her letter.

I still like Jon and think he was a decent player, but it's not like he's the most exciting presence to ever grace this great game show. And yet he became the most important character on the season for a while, which is not a good sign. And that was the good part of the season.

Tony was the worst at puzzles.

Of the seasons I've seen (still not that many), my favourite finale is Palau. The complete unraveling of the Tom, Ian and Katie relationship is Survivor at its darkest and most malevolent.

I'm kind of hoping that it's "everyone has to wear their work clothes" and the no collars go either shirtless or with a tube top, depending on gender.

I kind of thought the best answer to Josh's question was to give him another move that she made. "Well, I already answered this but here's another one. I was the first one to tell Jon to play his idol in the "stick to the plan" vote. Yes, Natalie said it too, but whose opinion do you think held more weight?"

It's such a good storyline that I just didn't know before watching the season. I'm sad the legend of Matt has kind of gotten lost in Survivor history.