Other Scott

I kind of feel like her social game was being young and pretty on a season with a lot of young and pretty people. And hey, I like Jenna and Heidi as people a lot more than most do.

Why does Jaclyn get zero credit for the moves her and Jon made together?

I have no problems with the post-merge play of the cast strategically. This was a cool season, strategy wise.

OK, this is my last comment that I just thought of:

Wasn't that Missy?

Well, I'll give her credit for getting to the end, even as a goat. That took skill this season, because there were so many goats to choose from.

I kind of like the way it was edited. I do know exactly why Jenna won. She formed an alliance which got her to the final seven, became the last player Rob wanted to get out when that alliance was turned on, and then won two key immunities at the end.

Missy played a solid game with poor jury management. I will defend this statement to my death. At least I would if I hadn't already died defending Jon's game.

I've said this previously, but Pearl Islands was possibly worse for giving away rewards, because they were basically expected to do it. And that didn't carry through to future seasons all that much. So that's a good sign.

It seems like the flips are what he gets remembered for, but keeping Butch and especially Matt in his back pocket for when he needed them was so brilliant. "Rob's Zombies" was my personal name for them. He played an unbelievably good game.

I think both Missy and Baylor played a better game this season than Jenna did in Amazon. However, that's not considered relative to the time they were playing in. Strategy was simple when Jenna was playing, until Rob got a hold of the game.

I hope the fact that everyone who gave away a reward immediately got voted out causes a self-correction.

They need to build Jeremy up specifically because of how early he goes. They'll get plenty of time to tell Natalie's story later.

This is where I derail the thread because I want to talk about Amazon:
I'm surprised there haven't been more seasons where the winner is extremely unsatisfying because all the players remaining at a certain point were dragged there by the more strategic player. By the time we got to about final 6, Rob had eliminated

Yeah, Josh was pretty boring. Reed, on the other hand, might be worth giving another shot to.

Natalie orchestrated the Drew vote-out. Plus volunteered to go to exile island to strengthen ties with Missy/Baylor (did that ever pay off). She was around, she just didn't really look like a winner. That's fine by me.

You have to assume they are just waiting to get 18 winners who want to do that season.

Eh, Natalie might have been able to scramble her way out of that. She had an idol by then and her pulse on the game was pretty decent. Not all time great, but decent.

The Jury raising hands thing at the end is a bit sketchy, especially since Josh was undecided.

Honestly, I wouldn't bring anyone back. I like Natalie, but it's not like there is anything else we need to see from her. She played her game like she wanted, and she won. She has nothing left to prove or show us.