Other Scott

One more comment about this season:
This season maximized a bad cast, so you really have to give it credit for that. This was about the peak this season could have reached given the players we were dealing with.

It's close for me. I'm in the bag for Danni Boatwright as a winner, and part of the fun of Guatamala is how terribly edited it is.

The thing about last year's finale is Woo taking Tony. Which was crazy, even if the edit kind of showed their hand.

I really loved the "stick to the plan" episode as well. And the Jeremy blindside was at least interesting.

A Keith win would have been the worst. I would have taken a Missy win over a Keith win. At least Missy kind of knew how to play, in a general sense, although it seems her jury management might have been poor.

Oh, I'm not saying it's anything above middle of the pack. It's in the Guatamala range. I feel like most people will put it below that.

It seems like Keith would have won if she had taken Keith.

Baylor could have won. She seems not completely unathletic, and more importantly for a lot of those obstacles, small.

I'm going to start banging the drum right now for this season being underrated. Why wait for the season to actually be fully considered retrospectively? That's was a pretty great post-quit game (I would say post-merge, but that Julie quit episode was the worst).

Oh, wow. This was my favourite episode to this point (I'm through five.) I really thought the closing montage was effective.

Funny, it's actually my least favourite of the Netflix opening credit sequences (at least of the ones I watch, I have no idea how Lilyhammer and Hemlock Grove's title sequences look)

It's very much a masculine focused show, which isn't ideal.

Late comment, but if it's Keith who wins final 4 immunity, Natalie may be able to force a tie because Keith is much more on her side than Missy/ Baylor. Then it's likely Natalie vs. Missy in a fire making challenge.

Jon just confirmed in his exit interview that he left his bag for Jaclyn, but she is not allowed to play the idol because he did not physically give it to her in the game before the votes were read.

I don't see why everyone is so convinced Keith beats Missy in a final tribal. I mean, what's the argument? Keith is a terrible strategic player and Missy is not. Missy has been in the majority alliance the entire game and consistently moved her and Baylor into better and better positions.

Not even. The Jeremy blindside was bigger. People have been angling to get rid of Jon for weeks.

Well, you could do the auction and then just have no immunity help or idol clue at the end.

Go…Baylor? Really? It's you who has to vault me into the top 10?

I feel like the big Survivor fans like the people here will tend to overrate the strategy and underrate the social game.

The chances of that working were zero.