Other Scott

It would have been a crazy move that took a level of awareness very few people in the game have ever had. The point I'm trying to make is that Jon had an extremely high degree of difficulty to work with. and while the edit made him look stupid, trusting his alliance and hoping they stayed loyal may have actually have

That's probably against the rules. But there's other ways of making sure she gets the idol when he leaves. (Taking the wrong bag, giving it to her during the vote split). I think Jon is a little bit smart.

There weren't great cannibalization opportunities though. His best bet would have been to get Alec and Keith on his side after he won immunity last episode and turn against Natalie.

Yeah, it's kind of tough to see Jon's path to victory with this crew. It looks stupid on him to trust his alliance unconditionally, but what else was he going to do? He literally had no way of getting out anyone other than Keith (and Jaclyn I guess).

By the way, any chance Jaclyn now has Jon's idol? Jon doesn't look like he was carrying a whole lot out of there.

Congratulations on your Survivor win, Natalie. You deserve it.

I'm not sure I understand why "Orange Is the New Black" has dropped so much on these lists this year. The second season was just as good as the first, and I thought it cemented the fact that the show wasn't just a momentary flash, something I wasn't sure about coming from the creator of Weeds.

That introduces trying to separate dramas from comedies, which anyone who looks at Emmy Categorization will tell you isn't easy.

Well, it helps the players who were voted out over the ones who weren't, but meh. I'm not as anti-Outcasts as a lot of people, because it is hard to imagine post-merge without Lil and Burton, but I'm glad they didn't do it again.

Palau has two very distinct parts. Up to the point where Janu quite, it was the Koror crushing Ulong show over and over again. After that, it did become sort of strategically fascinating.

Then Jon proceeded to win the challenge by going slower than everyone else.

You really should.

Other than Cook Islands, where it was truly unfair, at least they know that they don't know whether it's going to be a final 2 or 3. The whole Outcasts twist in PI wasn't even on the radar.

Except it wasn't a final three last season.

So you're saying there's a chance?!

The CBS Commercial during football promised he would go out in a fire making challenge! I feel lied to.

Hmmm…Serial or the Purple Rock Podcast? Both go through such effort to bring their conclusions to us.

The winking did not have to be subtle. Natalie was behind him.

I'm doing Amazon right now. So expect me to have a bunch of Rob C/ Jenna M comments sometime around the finale.

The funny thing is that Lil played a reasonably good game. She kept switching alliances until she got into a position that would get her into the final 3, and then won the final 3 immunity. She was on the right side of every single vote post merge (mostly because she was the swing vote every time, but still).