Other Scott

The Jury doesn't see the edit before voting. It may have been hard for them to tell that Natalie whispered to Jon before he played his idol.

It's actually better for him that he brought it out now instead of Final Tribal. I think the Jury would just be insulted if he tried to sway them with that then to get their votes.

"Also, that is the best season of Survivor"
Two things:
1. I thought it has a lot of strange similarities to this season, at least up until the last couple of episodes of this one. There's no real strong alliances, just amorphous blobs of sub-alliances that combine as necessary to get the biggest threat out. Savage and

I think (excluding this Alec vote, which was a little dumb but not cripplingly so), Natalie's played a better game. But allowing Jon to get to a final 3 would be enough that I'd find it tough to vote for her.

We're moving up, Quirky! There's still hope for top 10!

I want to sort this out, because it would be crazy:
Josh - Missy
Jeremy - Missy
Wes - Keith
Reed - Keith
Alec - Keith
Natalie - Missy?
Jon - Missy
Jaclyn - Missy

Also, it was a bad challenge design. Everybody was getting everything right.

Not like neighbour or weigh. And there's no C. Therefore, Kieth!

I think if Jon makes it to final tribal council, an argument of "since the final 9, everyone thought I was the biggest threat in the game and yet still they couldn't get rid of me" is going to be tough to beat. And he's just made very few mistakes.

Marquesas appears to be on youtube

I thought she should have taken Alec with the second pick. But not taking Baylor was smarter.

I thought the first half was pretty bad and they played up the Jon-Jaclyn thing because they had nothing else to do. The second half was better because the best character dominated the episode.

OK, old Survivor time, since I'm finished Pearl Islands:

I'll still function in my role as Jon's defense lawyer, but Jon was getting on my nerves tonight.

I mentioned the nerds hate jocks thing once, two weeks ago. Prefaced with an "I think." And I don't really think that any more. At least, I don't think I think that.

Ok, you guys win. I'll stop until the next episode he does something smart and people trash him for being stupid.

Being the only person in the top 20 with Jaclyn may benefit you greatly.

I was done in this season by having 2 Coyopa members on both sides of the switch. Oh well. Still may get top 10 out of it.

"-Did Jon really flex when the impoverished child was unable to throw him out?"

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