Other Scott

The most insufferable thing about Pearl Islands (the season I'm watching now) is that people were basically expected to give up their rewards and if they didn't they were seen as selfish and untrustworthy. It's making me angrier than the Outcasts twist (which was completely unfair, but is basically making this season)

In regards to Alec's comment, Jesus actually died much quicker on the cross than a normal person.

Once someone gives me a decent reason they dislike Jon or find him dumb, I'll stop this crusade. He's not dumber than a sack of hammers.

"unlike a goldie he doesn't have someone dedicated to taking care of him"

Well, whether he's a good player or not is a different question entirely.

See, this is what I mean. People find reasons to despise him for things that are perfectly innocuous. So he likes food? He's a big guy! How is that an indictment of his character?

I haven't seen a lot of the bad Survivor seasons, so maybe baseline Survivor is way more entertaining than I think. But with as many very good episodes this season has had, plus the fact that there's no clear path forward, it doesn't seem like this should be in the Nicaragua, One World, Redemption Island category.

The Julie quit episode was terrible. And the only good pre-merge episode was the Drewchebag one. So this season is never going to be one of the greats.

Guys, I like this season. There's been 3 solid episodes in a row, 2 very good episodes in a row, and tonight's was pretty great. And I have no idea at all what's going to happen going forward.

They seem to have an extremely healthy, working relationship. It's been clear since the Hero Arena challenge where Jon sent her to exile and was like "she'll be fine, she's a strong one."

I kind of thought all the early attention on Jeremy was mostly a result of him being in that first reward challenge and was therefore really the first person we got to know, not because he had a winner's edit going. It's why I didn't pick him for my fantasy team.

It will if Missy realizes it's literally the only way she can win and somehow makes it happen. Which would be impressive enough that I would give her credit for that win.

And only if?

He scared Jon when he confronted him about the idol. He may have been better off just not mentioning it.

The difference is that there may not be a clear why and how here. It may just have been Missy going - "Idol shiny, me trust Jon"

Curse you, Streets_Ahead! Curse you!

I just had a thought.

It wasn't that great of a reward. Sandwiches and a boat ride! Hooray!

What do you mean? This season had the first immunity challenge using only your feet! That's a landmark!

Well, the three of Wes, Alec and Keith voting for Reed made it tough for any 'vote split" to end on Keith getting the most votes. The rest of the players would have to go 5 votes Keith, 2 votes Reed to get rid of Keith, but doing that would open up the door to one of them getting voted out when Keith played his idol.