Other Scott

He's similar to Savage from Pearl Islands, and Savage never was brought back. In fact, Savage was possibly even more vibrant.

This is the point where you check who ahead of you has all the same people you do. I can't win either, but maybe still top 4?

Well, the lose the flint thing was there, but the rest is iffy. They really didn't make much of the fact that he was eating a lot, and the edit has been more "constant swing vote" than "flipper." It's essentially the same thing, but with a different intonation.

Point 2 is definitely legitimate. My first thought after the episode ended was "way to get rid of your shield and make yourself the biggest threat in the game, Jon."

That's debatable (and has been debated), but also not what I'm talking about.

Yep, Jon screwed up by sending Jeremy to exile island and had to backtrack, which murdered Jeremy.

I think we've gotten to the point where people are now saying things are dumb just because Jon and Jaclyn did them.

It's really tough to say, because we just don't know. Would Jeremy have gone after Jon shortly, knowing he has the idol and not willing to share? Was this Jon's only real chance?

Also, by my count SagoPalm and Violina23 are the last two with all of their people left?

Out of nowhere and thinking I was toast last week into a tie for 22nd with a lot of people with Jeremy ahead of me.

Wow, the editors had you so confused that you thought the Survivors were going to vote you out. That's impressive.

Well, I'm watching Pearl Islands right now. Sandra wasn't that passive, but she did get a much better edit than Missy's getting.

What about Missy? Is she actually Sandra?

You really think Josh is going to be ripping Jon and Jaclyn? They had an OK reason for flipping on him, (his alliance mates were idiots) and they just saved Reed.

I'd be fine with Jon, Reed or Jaclyn.

The wink from Reed to Josh after the vote was my favourite part of this episode. And I really enjoyed that vote.

She acts a bit like Misty from Pokemon too!

Is he actually indecisive, or is the edit making it out that he's indecisive so it can preserve the suspense of who's going home?

Danni Boatwright would be my clear all-winner season favourite. She's probably the best winner without a really clear target on her back. I'd be interested to see how people like Sophie or Yul do, though.

Yeah, this may be inflammatory, but I feel like the AV Club demo is sort of against jocks because the whole "popular kids in high school" thing.