Other Scott

I really like Jon. I don't understand the hate for him. He's clearly having fun out there, he seems to be a pretty nice guy, and he is trying to play the game and was from pretty much the very beginning.

Welp, that was fun. I really needed Josh to win that Josh-Jeremy battle. Thanks for quitting, Julie.

I think that's kind of a red herring editing thing. Baylor went against Josh because Baylor listens to her mom, and her mom was with Jeremy. The "I don't trust Josh" was a combination of trying to make it seem like her decision, both on her and the edit's part.

I think the edit may be deceptive.

The problem with Jaclyn is that when she was on her own on Coyopa she was pretty much fresh meat waiting to be picked off. I can't get that image of her out of my head to actually be convinced she's a good player.

I don't really understand what's not to like about Jon. Sure, he's a little bland, and he doesn't always seem like the brightest light, but he seems to be mostly a harmless goofball.

He also knew that whole "if you don't make the merge you're undateable" thing, which I don't think casual fans know,

I like Jon a lot, even if he;s not the brightest light.

On the other hand, on Josh's alliance you only have to compete with Josh and Reed. Everyone else is cannon fodder. On Jeremy's alliance, pretty well everyone is playing. You don't think you can turn the tide playing with that many nobodies?

Well, if Julie didn't quit and they actually got rid of Jeremy I would be in great shape.

I'm going with Julie quits overnight and we merge at 11. Dividing lines are the 6 vs 5 you have in option B minus Julie.

That's the problem with the tribes right now. Who on Copoya are you going to say, "that person is a puzzle solver." Plus, Huhnapu is also more athletic.

I still have all my people, but I have too far to catch up, I think. Ten points seems like a lot. My mistake was apparently not picking enough original Huhnapu members.

I have no idea what to make of this season. There's been some entertaining episodes (the Drewchebag episode, last week), it's been the most Let's Make a Deal Survivor's ever been, and I literally have no idea what's going to happen when the tribes merge.

I would argue the only immunity she really needed was the last one. I think Judd would have been voted out anyways, but the editing for that season was so poor that it's hard to know for sure.

But she did have the awesome KC Chiefs hat so she wasn't invisible.

I think position at this point in the game gets evened out. The swap and merge will re-align people enough that being with the girls is less important than being part of the majority Huhnapu tribe.

I don't think he's the dumbest. Most delusional, though?

Alec is already a better player than his brother. He actually went with the majority last episode despite his reservations instead of going "la la la, I'm not listening. Vote out Kelley!"

Yeah, I think it was a poor edit for Alec considering he was basically just teasing. He doesn't seem to be all that bad. The best examples they could find of his bullying was snatching the clue back and forth and telling her to get water?