Other Scott

Completely unrelated to this episode, but I watched Guatamala over the weekend and can't figure out why Danni Boatwright isn't considered one of the greatest winners of all time. She not only won from the minority alliance, she did it by somehow convincing Rafe to take a Bazooka to his alliance. It's one thing if Rafe

Oh, agree. James was awful and singlehandedly lost his tribe like two challenges.

I just watched Palau for the first time this summer, and that's not really true. Ulong had no "puzzle people". With the possible exception of Angie (and that was vote out forced by a weird immunity of the person they were going to vote out), the players that weren't strong and dumb were weak and dumb. They made a

Yeah, in Palau, with the exception of the first vote, Ulong actually tried to keep getting rid of their weakest players, but they kept losing anyways.

I think it's time we separate Alec and Drew. Drew seems absolutely awful. Alec seems less awful and was actually like…wait, guys, John Rocker is a really strong guy to have around at challenges, are we sure we want to do this?

Well, I'm liking that Baylor pick a lot less than I was a week ago. My logic was that Josh looks like the guy who's going to control the game, and being in an alliance with him is a good idea…but yeah.

I don't see it, so fingers crossed: Baylor, Jon, Josh, Reed