Jeffro Tull

In other news the Trump Wallace interview didn’t go great.

Hopefully,one of these days sometime catches Roger Stone out in public like that one dude did with Richard Spencer, the second “Shot Heard ‘Round the World”.

Why eat up a new cycles with a VP pick right now while your poll numbers are improving and your opponent is busy shooting himself in the foot on a daily basis?

Alternatively: SELL TAINTS

“Stellantis has been clinically proven for treatment of lead foot syndrome.  Some users of Stellantis experience vertigo, numbness of limbs, or tunnel vision.  Consult your doctor if you have a history of heart conditions, as Stellantis may increase your risk of high blood pressure.”

You know, in hindsight, maybe a system whereby the top judges in the country are selected by whichever politician currently sits in the White House and then serve until death was not the best system.

We need to talk about “we need to talk about” headlines. They’re the most Jezebel thing about Jalopnik. Just stop.

Counterpoint... maybe we need to talk less about Elon Musk.

I picked up Dr. Who during college back in the early-oo’s. Eccleston was the first Doctor I ever saw, and he was fine—very different from the rest of the Doctors (as I’ve come to learn). However, Tennant is, will forever remain my Doctor. Holy shit he was good.

Also, they were trying to keep our dumb ass selves from bulk buying all PPE needed for first responders and essential workers. LOOK WHAT WE DID WITH TOILET PAPER AND FLOUR. Clearly we cannot be trusted. 

“At this point we don’t need to all wear masks so long as everyone does all these other things!”

He looks like a sentient club from a prehistoric man museum exhibit. 

These were junky little trucks then and they are even junkier with age.

Congratulations, you made it look like a Chevy Impala! That’s a win in anybody’s book.

Mind boggles at the thought of a car running on three phase AC....

“C...O...G...and we love spelling, don’t we folks? The vowels and the continents and the big, big words. And I know words, probably better than dictionaries. In fact, I had a dictionary doctor tell me once that they thought I should’ve become a dictionary since I knew such good word spelling. And I had a word come up

Maybe it’s because I fell into a RWB hole on YouTube last night, but the body is the least of my concerns. A “street” car with airbag deleted is a big red flag for me. 

Those moments when Kavanaugh’s drunk ass can lord it over Dump are the darkest.

He’s such an oxygen thief. But he paints now so we’re not supposed to hate him anymore.

I can’t adequately describe the magnitude of the horrible shit we’ve been seeing in my hospital. People are scared to seek care, whether it’s because they are afraid they will become infected during an evaluation for another problem (breast lump or bloody stools) or because they know they might have COVID but also