Jeffro Tull

Everything can be Othered by them. Everything. It’s just that some things they don’t feel need to be.

From most angles it looks somewhere between “fine” and “good.” But the lead image for this article? Yikes!

And Marie Newman did it despite the best efforts of the DCCC. Fuck yeah!

There’s a dumb asshole I used to work for/with that I finally got around to blocking this weekend. On one hand, he has a son with respiratory and sleep issues (I don’t know if they’re related), and he was frustrated about having to reschedule some tests and about his kid being high risk.

My Mom had one of these. 2001 Cherokee Sport, bought brand new in the early months of 2001. Kept it for... 10 years? 12? A long time, and she babied it. Throughout that entire time it was fine. Maybe even okay! But 20 years later, depreciation should sure as hell be more than 40%.

Not that I oppose that idea, but how would that work?

I work equipment maintenance at a plant that makes paper food and drink containers. Since we deal with food-grade products and have to meet SQF standards, this *shouldn’t* affect me too much.

You are technically correct (the best kind of correct), but you’re focusing on the wrong sentence in my post.

I love when I can read a headline and instantly know the author. Also, that things reminds me quite a bit of my son’s Cozy Coupe.

Yeah, nearly everyone is going to get sick. The idea is to not have everyone get sick at the same damn time so that those who need it can actually receive care.

“Better than Trump” is a low bar to clear and we absolutely should strive for more.

It’s an incredible build, just made and used for all the wrong reasons. I’m equal parts impressed and dismayed.

Does anyone have any context for the Williamson tweet?

I’m okay with the campaign continuing until I can vote!


A local dealer advertised trunk monkeys with their vehicles up until about 10 years ago. Thanks, Obama.

they might as well utilize the customizability of a screen-based interface here as much as possible.”

No more than one car per family? Good thing all my vehicles are light trucks!

Two? That seems... generous.

“Why did you stereotype Thin Blue Line decals? You could/should have stereotyped MAGA decals instead.”