
Sadly the only Irish king I know is Finn McCool and I could not think of any authors named 'Finn'.

eh, the Barbarian/Greek clue didn't really need any biblical knowledge, just linguistic knowledge that the word Barbarian is drawn from a Greek word

I do really like the Vehicle system and the theory of the class system in 2. If they didn't make the cards needed to upgrade the classes so utterly random it would be great, they just screwed the pooch on possibly the easiest thing to do right

They did just add another 6 characters from Echoes, so if you give it a little bit there's probably going to be even more. There's enough characters from across all the games that they'll probably be adding new ones for a long time

I got her on my second ever summon to boot. But she's still my only one!

You're not totally off. VC3 apparently has some good reputation but its the hardest to find to play. VC2 is frustrating since its SO CLOSE to being a good game and then drops the ball in the most aggravating way it can

Making my way deeper into Valkriya Revolutions I'm on chapter 4 of 10 with the story constantly finding new and innovative ways to fail. Not only does stuff happen randomly, a lot of the big "plots" make no sense with how they're supposed to work and people make a big deal about keeping things secret that really don't

I was thinking Echoes was going a lot faster than it should, then remembered its originally a game from 1992. I'm right at the end of Act 3 myself, but I havent played in a couple weeks with Valkriya Revolutions eating a lot of time

It powers up during any of the Divine Beast fights as well. Basically anytime Gannons power is around

VC1 is a great game, thats a lot easier to beat on a second playthrough when you have a better idea of what you should be doing earlier on. VC2 should be a good game that utterly ruins itself with one of the most arbitrary grinding mechanisms ever. Alas, I haven't played VC3 yet though I do have Valkriya Revolutions.

How does no one remember Xenogears? For a long time it was one of the most expensive games to buy (over $150) because it was so rare and highly sought after

You could almost say it was excruciating

A) There's a difference between mental health and physical health, he's not talking about mental health care

shh, don't tell Heller that

This whole week has been champions who have gotten lucky/taken advantage of ugly games. Terry looked so good in round 1 and then was quiet right until he needed to speak up to win… and then blew it. C'mon man, you had that game.

Gavin's constant pointing at the board was really annoying by the first time he did it, I might just have to listen to today's game without watching to avoid constantly screaming at him for it

Considering the writers ideas of what "classic rock" was in a category just last month, we're lucky one of the clues wasn't about Zayn Malik leaving One Direction

It's the greatest achievement in sports history and yet no one ever talks about it strangely. Almost as if it never happened

Much better game and Scott was the kind of champion who could have gone pretty far as he seemed fast on the buzzer and knew his stuff - 23 right answers to only 1 wrong. Unfortunately he got royally screwed by the judges, how whatever writer or researcher was coming up with that Shaka clue didn't think to accept