
The problem with that mistake is that Scott's response was more correct than Kelly's as he had the proper name of what was shown so the judges had no business ruling him incorrect. A flanking action is any kind of plan which targets the opponents flanks, it involves a host of different manuvers whereas a double

I don't even think Trebek realized it was supposed to be a joke. I know if I had been on I would have been laughing at it which probably would have confused him terribly

half-flying saucer/half-cruise ship. It's like they can't even decide on which aesthetic they want to ruin

Look for Soldier Field's exterior, all of it, thats where the true crimes against nature occur

Look, as writers living in Chicago you have no right to complain about how Marlins Stadium looks. I'm surprised there isn't a higher death toll every year from people driving down Lakeshore Drive, suddenly seeing Soldier Field, and then crashing as their brains try to comprehend what the fuck that monstrosity is.

Trump wants to make the country look like 1955 except without the taxes used to pay for the country in 1955

How many times has the combined score going into DJ been in the negative?

Man, Susan is really bad at guessing. Shown a picture of a Nebula which had a rather distinctive shape she had to guess it was a completely different distinctive shape; asked for what the anagram BAE stands for she comes up with one word instead of 3; and in a category where "Mo" was needed in every response, and

Just tell her you're just doing it to use his Switch, so its really more of a friends-with-benefits kinda thing

I'm not sure you want to list Let Me In as a reason to see this movie, since that was one of the most hamfisted directed movies I've ever seen. It never could trust its audience to pick up on any visual cue without shoving it down their throat 3 times over and then zooming in on it

That the SNES mini is going to have Star Fox 2 on it. I can't have been the only one who long wrote off any hope of playing that, regardless of how good its supposed to be, and then Nintendo comes out with a major reason to buy its retro console despite me having a working SNES hooked up in my basement.

I've long contended that ASM2 is a decent movie whenever nothing super-hero related is happening and an atrocious movie whenever a villain shows up. The villains aren't even goofy, they're just stupid and annoying distracting from a decent character drama going on between Peter and Gwen

Also with a new phone I can finally get in on the Fire Emblem: Heroes train. Only have a single 5-star so far, but a total of 3 summons have netted me a good 7 4-stars so thats helping. I also picked up Fate/Grand Order which is a similar type of game based around Fate/Stay Night since I love Fate/Stay Night.

I've dug a bit more into Valkriya Revolutions and I can safely say the Prologue is a horrible introduction to the battle system. Once you start figuring out how things work its actually not bad, not as good as Valkriya Chronicles but not bad, which makes the fights less of a chaotic button mashing. The only exception

Yeah, I usually keep Sakura pretty close by, but it kinda limits Sakura being able to heal others on the map. The self-heal skill might be the way to go if you can find one that fits in her skill slots, she has HP/Def up which you don't want to lose; Lance Valor I could see letting go off since by this point I've

The only catch I have with Summer Robin is her attacks all cause her damage, and she only gets a bonus to her stats at full health. I mean, at full health she's a beast, its just annoying she can't endure in a prolonged fight

The game does a really bad job of pointing it out, however a characters placement in the Order affects which slot they show up by default in during the exploration battles in Echoes. You kind of have to fiddle with it a bit to get the healers in the right slots, but it can be done. Alternatively, you can just not get

I love Secrets of Mana yet I've always found Seiken Densetsu 3 a harder game to get behind than most people. The story is so fractured along the 3 different paths, and the ending so blithely discards two of the enemies, that its never been something I want to go back and replay the same way as Secrets of Mana

Hardly hypocritical, you had no idea how much you would or would not like the game when you bought the Switch. I've certainly had a few games I've invested money into systems for that haven't lived up to my expectations

That's cute.