
Yes. In VC all characters of a class share the same level and effective stats, the only change is some of their "potentials" (skills that can trigger) so you don't need to worry about someone being underleveled for you. There is a lot of characters as perma-death is KINDA a thing, but you don't need to hassle around

You can deflect his shots in that Gannon fight? Man, that sounds a lot easier than what I was doing (running up close so that when Daruks Protection triggered it auto-stunned him)

I finished Breath of the Wild last week so I'm just going to copy what I said elsewhere about it:

My issue with Legacy is that it was so hollow. Its a long movie and by the end of it almost nothing has happened, he's done nothing about the people chasing him or really solved any of the crises in the movie. You're expecting another half hour at least when the credits suddenly show up.

Sioux City tried promoting their airport with the slogan FlySUX for the longest time. Not sure how well it took nationwide though. LGA does go to Hong Kong, just not non-stop. Everything seems to be at least one or two layovers.

If anything Joe's DD3 wager could have been bigger, holding 1200 back wasn't going to do him any good when Coby had as much as he did at that point.

I think they might actually, or at least have a very broad algorithm. They say just being close on a word is fine as long the intent of the answer is clear

I've seen that one show up in other shows but surprisingly don't see too many big name BBC/movie versions. Its a shame since that would be a great story for a movie

how? Like seriously, the ending IS the whole story, you can't change it and still call it Murder on the Orient Express

Not necessarily. Projectors have a safety kill switch that if the film jams will trip and kill the light specifically to keep film from burning.

That's actually a bit of a surprise. Considering V for Vendetta predates most theaters switch to digital it was probably on film still, and you can't 'rewind' film on a projector without considerable hassle. It is usually more productive to run out the film from the stopped part or cancel the whole show since you risk

As a former theater usher I found all manner of leftovers that people would sneak in. 6-packs of beer weren't as uncommon as you might think and someone once brought an entire bottle of Captain Morgans rum in

When I went to see Rock of Ages a woman brought 3 kids, all of whom had to be between 4 and 9, in with her. The woman somewhat hurriedly got the kids out of there during the scene Tom Cruise and the reporter mimic having sex even though the little boy really wanted to stay

I was sure Joe was going to runaway with the game a couple times, those DD just kept knocking him back. I wonder how long Lisette is going to be kicking her self for over that FJ bet, talk about snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.

ehh, kinda not really. Japanese doesn't have plural versions of its words in the same sense English does, often times the fact the word is plural is just implied. You need to make some leeway when using the word in English, hence why "ninjas" is considered correct even though the strict Japanese word would be the same

I don't think Trebek heard her right which is why he hesitated to make a ruling and she managed to correct it. I agree that not only should she have been ruled wrong, they should have done a score correction later to remove those points from her

They obviously haven't seen Hell or High Water then, since he's positively terrifying in that

Angle. That kinda makes sense since it does give you a word albeit one that means something entirely different

I just want to know what the hell is going on in Georgia they can't spell Gray. Even if you're wrong you get 'Grey' and you're still right

I started with VMI since I knew most of the staff there ended up in the war and then started thinking about nearby state schools