
It had lots of good little moments but they struggled to make episodes function strongly throughout, and the season long story really faltered. I think its more evidence that Archer works best without the season long plots as the last few seasons have been having similar issues

Considering the "Vantastic" 'joke' I'm going to go with no, the writers do not have a sense of humor.

I think Trebek paused since he was looking to the judges for a ruling; usually in cases like that they leave it in just so you know Trebek isn't deciding everything on his own. Let's be honest, if they wanted to tighten up the speed of the game through edits, there's lots of other places they can start with first-

Considering some of his advice, we can't rule out the possibility he's following some Greek or Victorian medical guide

I don't know what was worse, FJ betting or the fact two of the incorrect guesses were 'Yorkie' (as in Yorkshire Terrier, not a persons name) and King Charles Spaniel (as in the goddamn King, not a Vicar, and not someone around in the 19th century)

It seemed like Mackenzie was just looking to beat Matthew and did so by the closest round number, he simply didn't even consider Tanya's position. The other two were just stupid bets

It can't hurt to try

That was my guess, especially with how Catholic Boston is

*ahem* the swimming pool scene

Because when he dances we end up with Spider-Man 3

He looks like he's waiting for the right moment to say he needs to wash his hair

That monogram category had to be left over from the teacher's tournament, only one clue in it required more than a second worth of thought. Oddly enough Sicily could have been the answer to two clues, the photo clue where they were looking for it and the Catholic Geography clue for Malta since Sicily sits between

Point of Order counterpoint- In painting Black is all colors. It is only not a color in the light spectrum

J-archive has one of the best typo's up right now. For the $2000 Russian Culture clue it lists it at "The "Father of Russian Literature", this poet & dramatist was morally wounded in a duel in 1837" as if Pushkin suddenly became a lot less scrupulous after the duel

The best Japanese restaurant I ever ate at was located kind of similarly. Me and my dad were talking through NYC trying to decide what we wanted for dinner and in an alley we found a little blackboard sign outside a door saying there was a restaurant there. No sign, nothing else around it except a half-lit alley a

got it

He needs to be able to bonk things

I'm going with Bonk. Sure, he was never a full mascot in the way Mario or Sonic was, but who the hell has the bright idea to build a multi-platform franchise around a baby neanderthal? Even compared to a plumber or a hedgehog that's a weird choice

sold! I was just going to get the regular edition but with the Limited edition less than 15 bucks more after that deal, why not grab those 8-bit pins

That is good to know, I was looking at using a ton of my heat resistant foods at once to get up there. Where do you get Fire resistance?