
Making her entirely silent did not help as it left the player to interpret her emotions in pretty broad ways. Her conflict is an understandable one in the world but one that needs a hell of a lot more nuance to deal with, just looking at random memories did not give it the clarity necessary.

Empire tried to split the AI problem by having two entirely different AI's, one for battle and one for the campaign map. Alas, neither was very good. Shogun 2 actually corrected a lot of their problem and has an AI that is at least competent at pressing you, and while Rome 2 had some quirks that could be exploited in

Grieving Mother has the most annoying conversation paths, especially near the end of her story. You have to find the one path in a tangle of abstract dreams you're watching that somehow gets what she wants otherwise you keep circling back around to the start.

I don't know how he was never found out, KLM says ROYAL Airlines right in its name

Except Will Harris is barely doing them anymore, I think he mentioned he only has like one more in the works and then its questionable

This might be the single worst use of "R.I.P." on this site. After all the other political muckracking you do, you might as well give in and have a more accurate headline

That would be hilarious considering Pope Francis has been pretty open about shading Trump every chance he can get. Francis would probably make Trump engage in some uber-penance as terms of asylum, thus solidifying his reputation as "cool-Pope" forever

As much as I think the Republicans in congress are toadies backing the party over the people, one has to wonder how much of this they want to take. Republicans resisted impeaching Nixon for a long time after Watergate but that was because he had given them 4 years of well-regarded-at-the-time Presidency; Trump has

So, so glad Michael didn't win. There's something about people who's entire strategy is wild guessing that irks me, especially when its not even close to being correct. Yes Michael, the Dixie Chicks were around in 1982…

I'm guessing that was a judges call from before the show, they wanted the specific Greek name to eliminate wild guesses which is why Trebek prodded for more info even more directly than usual. Seriously though, who knows those rivers and not Hades?

I'm usually a stickler for this point since the sword in the stone is Cadelbong dammit, however there are more than a few versions of the myth which have Excalibur in the stone. I don't like it (Le Morte de Arthur for life!), but its not worth arguing with people about whether Excalibur was in the stone or not.

If I missed Howl's I would lose all of my animation/anime street cred

I mean the Timberwolves aren't in much better shape, but after 5 years of having the worst record in the league and never getting better than the 5th draft it just was obvious that the system is broken as is

The NBA draft lottery is utter BS. The system is terribly screwy for poor performing teams that need the help and frequently helps good-to-great teams get better.

That sounds similar to the defense of Reagan over Iran-Contra: that he was too incompetent to know what was going on. The difference being if Russia knows that Trump will ramble on about classified material all they have to do is note everything he says and then spend some time later sifting through what's shown up on

Alien came out in 1979 (and looking at responses here, I'm not the only one who always confuses whether its 78 or 79)

That was actually a decent game, unlike most of what we've seen in the tournament so far. Also in the last few days we've had multiple each of theater, musical theater, and TV categories; its like the writers are thinking of us specifically

I've had just about enough of your Vassar bashing

Even in elementary school we recognized how bad the Golden Axe series got after the second game. Those first two were so good, and then it went to crap so fast even an 8 year old fantasy nerd wanted nothing to do with them. A remake certainly couldn't hurt to try as they have no where to go but up.

While similarly bad judicial theories, they are not quite the same thing. Originalism is about deducing what the Founding Fathers intended, while Constructivism is about reading the text of a law (not necessarily the Constitution) as strictly as possible with no interpretation at all