As arbitrary as the 100 Days mark is this has got me thinking: has any President had a WORSE 100 days than Trump? Hell, William Henry Harrison died before his 100 days were up and he still got more done
As arbitrary as the 100 Days mark is this has got me thinking: has any President had a WORSE 100 days than Trump? Hell, William Henry Harrison died before his 100 days were up and he still got more done
He also parroted some lines from Xi about how Korea used to be a part of China. Not only has Korea never been part of China, that claim has been used by Chinese nationalists to try and invade Korea for centuries. Unsurprisingly this went over absolutely swimmingly in South Korea
Alan is proving to be quite the formidable champion. His second game was pretty rough for him until the very end but aside from that he's had two games of rather commanding performances and already beaten several other worthy competitors. I hope he gets that 5th win since he could be a real force in the TOC
I have some bad news for you about Red Steel…
Nudeador Viking confirmed as HP Lovecraft
Chelan got really lucky on the ETO=European Theater of Operations clue. It seemed like she had no idea what the O stood for, she just guessed European after Eastern was wrong and then Trebek jumped the gun declaring her right.
The whole issue with her uncle was weirdly underdeveloped. They obviously only wanted to hint at things so it didn't dominate the movie, but it didn't really help anything either when you could explain her sullenness with her dad dying so young.
Considering what they think "pranks" are, they probably spent too much time on Xbox live
Is Meike the first contestant to compete sitting down? It was odd though I thought she did very well for being so much older than the usual contestants. All credit to Alan, for being a non-factor for 90% of the game that was a hell of a comeback and tactical win making the right bet on DD3 and FJ
Which would be odd as she was cleaning up on the dog breeds
You are correct on your Dilbert Point of Order, none of the 1989 strips are ever in the office
Trucks that can legally cross the wall; tunnels that go under the wall; sea routes that go around the wall; air routes that go over the all- its like Trump has no idea how supply logistics work.
This IS DC studios, they have a track record of delusion
As poorly worded as that clue was, the attempted responses of "defeated Germany" might be worse considering the dates involved.
You may have been confusing Chilton with Andrei Chikatilo, the basis for the movie Child 44
I'm surprised the bartender didn't cut you off once you willingly started watching House of Payne
It can be two things (or 3 with this series as Tyrese Gibson is there too)
yeah, those two are the only reason to watch the F&F movies with Vin Diesel being a massive reason NOT to watch them. As long as Vin isn't around I wouldn't mind sitting through a spin-off
With McCarthy at least some cannibalism is to be expected