
Also there's a mission which straight up lets you grind xp

Do you have the DLC map pack? There's a mission in there which gets you money (which is really helpful on its own) and coincidentally lets you grind relationships at the same time

The airship level really is the worst in the game. Oddly enough I found the boss a lot harder as Shovel Knight than as Plague Knight so if you thought he was easy then more power to you

Plague Knight has an inverse difficulty curve. He's terrible to control early, then once you get a few upgrades so he isn't magnetically attracted to pits when jumping he becomes a lot easier in the late gate

I think you need to talk to him after you get the axe from the house, he changes what he says and makes a comment about directing the way a tree falls when you cut it down

You're on chapter 18 and don't have anyone married? Why do you hate love?

"Good" being extremely relative in this case

I did find that with the Empire it really helped to have as many armies as possible, even more than I had with Brettonia and they pay nothing in upkeep costs. By the height of the game I was rocking 6 armies just to keep watch on all my borders as well as support each other in battle. And still despite that, as soon

I barely noticed the Beastman at all, much less than when I was doing Brettonia. I think they are set to spawn near the Wood Elves mainly so outside of one early fight with them they were a non-factor most of the game.

After finally completing Total War: Warhammer for the 4th time this last weekend I FINALLY got around to starting Zelda. I'm still not terribly far, I've only done 12 shrines and just reached the second village, though its been a blast. I'm really loving how dynamic all the motions seem to be for stuff, getting hit by

While the Wild are probably definetely still screwed, I take great schadenfreude in seeing the Blackhawks get swept after they kept knocking us out over the last few years

I was sure Nikanka was going to be screwed by the Alien/Aliens answer as well as Halt and Catch Fire denying him the lead. Turns out with FJ a triple stumper it was to his advantage to be in second place.

Jordan's final book is a huge step-up over what came before it. Sanderson does help the final 3 a lot, though he was also using extensive notes and drafts by Jordan.

Its biggest sins are that its way too long, the middle books are a lot of wheel spinning (*rimshot*) and go-nowhere plot movements just for the sake of drawing things out. Once the plot gets going again the final 3-4 books are actually solid again, you just need to get to them

Even the worst GOT books are miles better than the slog that is the middle of the WOT series. It has multiple books where absolutely nothing happens, you could skip them entirely and most of the audience, book reader and not alike, would never know

Considering the reputation of the middle books in the series Sony would be wise to not try and stretch this out. If you spend a few seasons dabbling in books 8-9-10 you'll have no audience left

He did ok in Old School and that was really it. He is a supporting character at best who got up-jumped to be a lead and he's awful when he's the whole focus of something

While we have a lot of immigrants, both Somalian and Hmong, they are heavily clustered in the Twin Cities and somewhat in St Cloud. Outside of that (and the Reservations) its pretty fricking white around here

By the time there's a gun fight in the middle of the sex scene without interrupting it you have to either shut down your brain and enjoy what you're watching on the most base level or recognize it might not be for you. A film like Shoot Em Up really doesn't leave any middle ground, its all love it or hate it

Silly Little Show-Biz Book Club is Nathan Rabin’s ongoing exploration of books involving show business, with a special emphasis on the very bad and the very sleazy.