J. G.

True, but as I said; she wasn't the first person to be raped in GoT. There's Gilly and her sisters, and Dany's wedding night in the show was rape as well. people ignore Dany's wedding night coz.. well.. everyone loves the Khal but it doesn't mean that he didn't rape her. Dany took it silently coz she knew that she had

I'm not talking only about murder.. I mean, what about the guy who raped his daughters? "forgot his name" no one seemed to care then !! even after those daughters were being raped by the rogue nights watch !!! and Dany's first night with Khal Drogo!! still no one said anything !!

Ok, I'm gonna be honest.. did I hate what happened to Sansa?
Yes I totally did. because to me she's technically now the front face of her Family's name and insulting her = insulting her father, mother, siblings, and the all the Starks' legacy.