
Passive 3D on a 4K set, on the other hand, is absolutely spectacular. There is no excuse whatsoever for not shipping every 4K set with native polarization-based passive 3D support. It’s easy, it’s inexpensive, it’s painless (no migraines or eye strain), and it’s beautiful.

I don’t mind 3D when done well. It’s just rarely done well.

I can tell you haven’t had the pleasure of seeing LG’s gorgeous Passive 3D 4K sets in action. Active 3D should never have been allowed into the market. It was a terrible, dead-end technology that, at best, provided poor 3D performance at a high technical cost, and at worst left people (like myself) with crippling

I love the 3D on my set and wish there was more content. Passive 3D on a tv is so much better than a theater. Watched The Walk last weekend in 3D and just about had vertigo.

Nah, I have a 3d TV and i still watch 3d content on it. Just because you don’t like (or can’t afford) it don’t try to make it sound like some terrible piece of tech.