Honda Civics in my country.
Honda Civics in my country.
“Latest Threat to Public Safety” lmao, you guys give “whatever-is-call-now” platform way too much importance than it deserves.
just because it was listed and bidded at 100k doesn’t meant it sold for 100k. I went to the listing and of course, the highest bidder has only 1 feedback.
Con la mierda de musica que hay hoy en dia, no me extraña para nada.
the good ‘ol “it’s not a bug, it’s a feature”
Ah yes the “Eroxon spill disaster” its going to become a thing again
can we say the same for “Lost in Translation”? I’m tired of seeing boring and cringey movie in the list of the best ever.
Are the girls they are dating legal age? : yes
$35 for a 2tb SSD? that turns on all of the scam alarms...
$35 for a 2tb SSD? that turns on all of the scam alarms...
En que cabeza cabe pasar 600w a 12V por esos alfileres. para que se hagan una idea es casi la misma cantidad de potencia que sale del alternador de un automóvil.
Te mereces un aumento de sueldo con ese título. Yo lo autorizo.
unpopular opinion: Lost in translation sucks and it’s creepy, probably just as Bill Murray in real life.
are incandecent bulbs even available anymore? this article seems so outdated, probably from 2010 or something like that. LED bulbs are dirt cheap and incandecent bulbs have been banned in some countries.
What is this, the 90's? Must LED bulbs use plastic covers. I have not seen a glass bulb in decades... what’s the next lifehack, how to untangle a phone cord?
Pensé lo mismo.. creo que mi cerebro si esta usando solo el 10% de la capacidad
Tiktok es el ano del internet.
jajaja mejor debería demandar a Charles Darwin
pues es situación win-win en realidad:
I will always say this: Tiktok is the literal butthole of the internet.
I said this and I will say it again, Tik-tok is the new internet’s butthole.