
Will you also pay reporters for asking athletes about their buddy Obama murdering brown American child Abdulrahman al-Awlaki without Due Process?

Drew Magary can be adorable sometimes. Particularly when he feels the need to “Gawker” up a post and be “that guy.”

Julie Hermann is the poster child for why you should never hire a person solely for politically correct reasons.

“black boy” Seriously?

So what did Griffin say? Is it something Bomani Jones would be ok with?

Tom typed this with one hand, right? The only thing that turns him on more than writing about Manziel and alcohol is when he has the chance to go full Gawker and out an innocent closeted Gay man.

I’ll defend Patrick Redford in that Gawker Media has never publicized themselves as journalists which is why they feel they can out innocent Gay people for kicks and push the thoroughly debunked 1 in 4 myth.

If only her Mother had raised her right and she touched gloves with Holm.

Wow. Even Bomani Jones didn’t pull the race card on the Greg Hardy incident and that is his go-to move.

Always fascinating to see how quickly the radical left supports Big Government controlling speech, expression, and thought.

Why do you have to use the word, “alleged?” He was convicted off the assault.

By any chance did Berkman out an innocent closeted gay man like you guys did?

It is adorable that Gawker Media thinks the government should be the arbiter of what is and is not in “good taste.”

Your daily reminder that Deadspin is owned by Gawker. But hey, at least you guys didn’t out an innocent closeted gay man like you have done before.

Wait. People are actually proud of writing for The Daily Dot?

The best thing about Christie or more specifically his detractors is that they have made it PC to bash somebody in the public eye’s weight/body. So it is now PC to mention Michelle Obama has the body of a man or that Hillary’s cankles makes every straight man want to vomit.

“even as they generally failed to provide substantive answers to the substantive questions” — Gawker gonna Gawker.

Bomani Jones is pissed!

Did any of those 2nd Amendment supporters out an innocent man just for kicks like you Gawker nuts did?