
Does anyone else remember when Banana Republic was like the J.Peterman catalogue? Full of safari ready clothes and hand drawn pictures, as of people were in the clothes but no bodies? I had some total "Out of Africa" stuff from them. That's when the name made sense.

I'll never forget as a 14 year old discovering a "cabernet bonsai" in the Harry &David catalog. Even the grapes were miniature. I wanted that thing so damn bad but as a teen had zero control over finances. Hell I still want one.

Random aside about your rankings of childhood catalogs: did you ever get the American Girl catalogs as a kid? Like the old(ish) school 1990s Pleasant Company catalogs, before Mattel bought them out? As you included the non-clothing items at the end, I was surprised to not see it listed. Because that was the best

Fucking hell, that's a pretty low bar to earn praise for.

And if this were literally any other female celebrity, the headline would have been "SO-AND-SO PHOTOSHOPS THIGH GAP INTO INSTAGRAM SELFIE!!!" I've said it before, but the Beyonce worship on this site is so transparent. She's exactly like every other A-list celebrity. Get over it.

I fuckin' love hate reading rich lady "lifestyle" blogs. LOVE IT.

A blog is inherently somewhat narcissistic, right? Particularly the ones that are used as an income source? I mean, one day, these women thought something along the lines of, "You know what? People want to be like me. I bet I could make money showing people how to be like me." And most of these blogs are by middle

Serious question — How does one determine that the inclusion of a black subject or character is "token," when it is generally desired these days to be as inclusive and diverse as possible in different forms of media?

I don't really find this bittersweet at all: I just find it bitter. The Colbert Report is a unique show that incisively skewers our media and political cultures, and late night shows are a dime a dozen and focus on cheap monologue jokes and asking celebrities questions about whatever new boring ass moving they're in.

Team "She Thinks My Tractor's Sexy" FOR LYFE

Or the other way around lol George could have easily have pegged one of the peasants with that toy!

As a non-medical doctor who has never treated Mr. Cruise, I believe you are incorrect. This is stage VI of cheek syphilis. Classic cheek syphilis.

i couldn't care less about lauren conrad, but kudos to her for still remaining relevant by uber-filtering pictures of cupcakes and whatnot. she's living every basic girl's dream and i'm assuming, making a lot of money from it

Under my watch my niece once bit her cousin (whose parents were uber protective), I was mortified! "Um, sorry?!"

I too have an irrational hatred of baby headbands. Ugh, so tacky.

Hahaha, I think Kate and Wills would be totally cool about it. In my mind-version of them.

WHY do people put these horrible headbands on their babies? We can tell it's a girl from the flowery dress, no need to make the poor kid look even more like an easter egg.

Better than wasting the paper on regular save-the-dates.