
One thing for sure when it comes to Redmond, is that they will throw money at a problem for a good long time in hopes that something works. Sometimes (XBox) they get a hit and come out smelling like roses, and sometimes (Win Mo) they end up smelling like sweat and shame.

I keep getting this crap from Google too. Every few days or so when I log into gmail, I get them begging for a mobile phone number. Every time, I tell them NO.

This type service just comes across as pretty disgusting to me. It is just not for me. I am really surprised it has not been abused more.

True, individual users will likely put it up for replacement, but those in a business environment (yes, sounds crazy, but it does happen!) will be pushing these down to the next low person on the totem pole to squeeze more TCO out of them and it can cause problems.

Karma is a bitch say the Mac Pros of the world. ;)

More likely right before NAB 2013.

My two cents about the supposed 2013 wait... I think they hope that by then Final Cut X will be restored enough to announce a new version of it AND a real updated Mac Pro at the same time. Gonna be hard to keep more video groups from jumping ship between now and then. Those that go with other apps are not going to

If only that would work, I would plop down cash this minute, but I don't think it is possible to make such a chimeric beast. sigh.

Some of the things that I run into are:

They still are essentially pushing the same old same old. It means that the most "pro" machine off all their models is left without Thunderbolt which is becoming more and more needed with video markets. Even the damned Mac mini has it.

Virtually same boat...

Not on the list, but I would hope for some type of pain suppression system.

Yes, many around my video groups are not happy with the whole situation either. Really pissy move.

It is very odd and leaves me with a feeling of it being completely DOA. How can your most "pro" of your Pro line up not have Thunderbolt when even the Mac mini has it now? Something just seems way off with this whole "new" model.

So to add salt to the wound, does this now mean that EVERY Mac computer has Thunderbolt EXCEPT the Mac Pro? Even the lowly Mac mini has it. Sheeeeesssh.

exactly what I was thinking. Without tbolt, this model is almost dead on arrival.

I disagree.... Thunderbolt-less Mac Pros has to be the worst.

I chalk it up to more defensive posturing against bleeding more video pro market off to Adobe. They can't stop the bleed due to the f'd up Final Cut currently out there, so might as well make it as difficult as possible for those who want to jump to the more NVidia-friendly Premiere.

It absolutely does for the newer video ingestion devices where more and more of the devices are tbolt.