
I kept reading over the specs thinking I had missed it. What kind of a bonehead decision is that? Basically a middle finger to the pro market once again. Without tbolt even fewer pro purchasers will be buying one and either jump to a closed off iMac or Wintel box; therefore Apple can say "see we told you no one

That and a Mac Pro.... The weird thing is when the Apple Store came back up there was a "New!" sticker next to the picture of the Mac Pros, but when I clicked on them they looked like the same tbolt-less versions as before. Arrrgh.

With all the support for the higher dpi screens, I wonder how much larger in size the iOS 6 "install" will be when it is in use on your device? With recent retina compatible app updates, my iPad has quickly become squeezed on space.

I have a Maine Coon (although not nearly as large as that one in the pic). She was adopted from a shelter and has been a great big smart cat, except for the fact that the previous owners had her declawed. Maybe her (size + smarts = declawing) to the previous owners?

Amen Brother Beavis. I am still a little bitter too...

The more I keep seeing of the new Spiderman movie, the less and less I am interested... And I was not really interested to begin with. It just seems completely too soon to do a reboot, and more of a money grab by Sony before their licensing runs out (they do still have it right?).

You can only get that irritating email if you actually check for that email.

I am just too dang tired of the perpetual cycle of reboots. I would rather have seen a TV movie about the mediocre "The Dome" than a rehash of "It".

Almost identical to VM's. Basically if you are not along a main highway, the maps show "no coverage". Sigh.

Nice to see Full Metal Alchemist mentioned.

Tab question for Lifehackerians...

I am hoping more of these type plans come out for other carriers. Virgin Mobile's coverage is horrible around the southeast.

My guesses in order of how they will play into the movie:

Hmmm, I am surprised it is not a downward spiral....

Worse than the recent Walking Dead marketing where they had an actor come stumbling into a crowded theater. Stupid stupid stupid.

"It also proves a few other things, like the fact that you can still have an awesome time watching an unapologetically cheesy movie full of fairy bunnies and scenery-chewing witches"

I think that it has picked up a good bit. The plots are becoming more and more threaded, but they split the team up a good bit (LionO and Tigra on solo mission on ep; Kit and Kat on another; etc..).

I have been very pleased with Young Justice so far. It is not Justice League Unlimited, but pretty damn close.

That question spawned so many inebriated heated debates. —sigh— I miss those.

True, but they may have to rebrand it as a Shrek coaster or something similar.