
#10 pissed me off the most.

"The bow was the first mechanical device that could outpace projectiles thrown by hand"

Yes, there is definitely the chances of that! In other reads scientists think the smaller fragmented ones would then have a greater chance of burning up in the atmosphere. A lot depends on what they are made of to determine if we get one big shotgun slug or buckshot.

If he footed the bill for it, then I think he can do whatever the hell he wants with the "data". He is not part of some Brotherhood of Submariner Scientist Club. He is a capitalistic movie director who made enough cash to splurge on some of his own long standing interests. I say go for it.

In this past week's Young Justice episode, there was a scene that touched on that. The League members were debating who to vote in as a new member. The suggestion of Robin came up and Wonder Woman quickly jumped on Batman for him endangering a young child by starting him out crime fighting at an early age and

Anyone remember what those metallic defrosting slabs of metal were called that were sold back in the early 90's? The commercials showed frozen meat put on them and "tadah" it thawed quicker than the meat left on the bare plate.

It may sound crazy, but another instance where larger monitors can be counter-productive is when you deal with people who have certain types of visual impairment. Larger LCD displays usually have a higher resolution. This higher resolution translates into smaller icons, text, alerts, etc...

Oh, I know that keyboard look all too well... I dread going to work with two of my users due to the disgusting nature of their keyboards. One evidently has one hell of a Cheetoh fetish due to the orange-ish build-up of Nasty on his white Mac keyboard. The other is a lotion divah who leaves a buttery coating on

i wonder if any of those other hats he made worked, but just didn't take him back to his own world where his daughter was?

would be interesting if it did affect other worlds by leaking out to those others through one of his hats!

This one just got up there with my previous favorite episode of Red Riding Hood's. The Hatter was a freaking Planeswalker! Portal Master? Whatever he was, I thought they pulled it off well.

I thought the hat did work. I just didn't know where he fell to. Did he fall back to Wonderland? Or somewhere else?

Really glad to see them sticking with threaded episodes for Young Justice. It doesn't quite fill the void of Justice League, but it is getting there.

hehehe, not as bad as mine.... It was Skids!

that was a nice touch. I was beginning to wonder if they had Gardner around in this 'verse.

WTH? Just kind of whizzed right past any of the Observer business that was going on? Nice to see that little "mole bullet thingy" show back up.

First time I hit one I thought I had run over a dog. My cousin went by the next morning and then saw it was a nutra! Right solid little suckers.

I think "serious". A lot of companies are really using the economy as a reason to abnormally high "efficiency" out of existing workers. It can't last forever though or it will burn them out by staying, they quit and leave, or they go postal.

Good info. Thank you.

When you say "hunting", do you mean for food? Or hunting down enemies of the Capital?