
Yep. I don't want a "V" ripoff. I want something more like this:

So "In The Hunger Games, it's hundreds of years in the future, and the United States is now a shithole called Panem", but what I want to know is WHY is it a shithole?

I don't think this even touches on the number of dry counties which contain wet cities/towns. This really then gets even more complicated when you factor in "hard dry" which allow beer and "full dry" which allow no alcohol to be sold.

My initial guess is "a bag of pot and a large pizza".

The same thing that we do every night Pinky. Try to take over the world!

Same here. Got it in the mail and immediately dropped and F bomb when I took it out of the sleeve. A second or so later, I saw the "Rate R" and razor icon part on it and was like "wait a minute.....". Nice marketing of it.

"Review" or "Preview"? I don't like the idea of providing actual reviews for non-shipping, still-beta products like this.

was that a f'ing tentacle?!? Do we finally get to see some BSG universe "alien life forms"? With all that wacky editing, it may be crap; but for the snippets, it looked interesting enough to get me to watch it.

With the exception of two episodes back (the compound where they "found" Emmett), I did not care for it. For me it was simply waaaaayyyyyy tooooo slooooowwww. Like a sloth. On. The. River.

Niiiice. Would like to know time and cost.

I always try to save at least one sick day floating in the back 40 of my scant "sick day pool" for when I have had 101% too much crap around the office and seclude myself for a day of Samuel Jackson movies, fried chicken, and a half case of beer. Works like a charm. Clears my head and usually leaves me able to go

I have tried out an ATV at home (one before the current gen) for a week. I am just too hung up on the lack of local playback for it to be useful to me, and keep going back to my WD TV box.

I don't agree that Samson is a freakin "sidekick".

It's Shooooooooooooooow Tiiiiiiiiime!

Agreed. It is FICTION, not governmental policy.

I have watched every episode so far, and up until the last 90 seconds of the episode two episodes ago (where they initially walk up to the compound), I did not give a flaming piss about this show. It was horribly slow, and I just did not care about the characters at all. I only watched it because there was nothing

What a freaking coincidence. Thanks Lifehacker. I stupidly washed my Nano in the laundry this weekend and now am weighing going with a cheap yet not fully AAC compatibel option like the Sansa Clip, or pony up for a Nano refurb. Decisions, decisions....

I did not know there was one before the siblings. DId they get the "watch dialer things" from the original Robby?

Yes, they look great on the "new iPad", but have you looked at the size increase of the app?

Yep, very similar. The originals were brother and sister (if i remember right), and they would "dial up" a new superhero form to help fight crimes in their town. Kind of goofy, but you got to see new hero types each issue.