
Here is why I did not go see it this past weekend:

Had it in the queue with Blockbuster now since about Thanksgiving and it continuously shows up as "Not Available" which is odd for a disc that has been out as long as this one has. I don't know if Blockbuster is just dropping the ball, or if Marvel put out some tentacles to have it pulled from the system.

As for the app data question, if the dev has updated their app, it can save game data to iCloud. Works pretty well from what I have tried so far, but not many apps support it yet. I hope the iOS 5.1 release will get more devs updating their apps and they will go ahead and add in the iCloud save option.

I somewhat agree. One of the biggest benefits for this type device is that the carriers can go to hell. 3G/4G/LTE is really just an afterthought with tablets, where with a phone carrier considerations have to be made.

I liked Browder. I have only seen him on Farscape and SG1, but I thought he did a fine enough job that I would like to see him get some more screentime in other shows.

So are they wolfweres? or werewolves?

This was the only episode I have cared about with any of them so far. And without that particular ending I wouldn't even say that much. I hope this leads to sort of a Resident Evil 5 plotline.

For me, It was all depend on WHICH Venom they were using.

Loaded up iTunes 10.6 on the ole sacrificial lamb Mac, and iTunes is not seeing two separate iPads that it did see fine before the iTunes and iOS udpate. Both of which have been updated to iOS 5.1. Gonna dig out an older one and see if it shows up.

I vote for iPad 3Gen. Of course, that might freak out the normals and have them think it is some new kind of "3G" networking.

No sign of "local" (pulling MP4 or M4V from a NAS) video file playback, correct? If it would just do that I would consider switching away from my WDTV box, but I just don't see it happening.

second that.

I was wondering about fuel. I know the article mentions solar panels, but I haven't see a good shot of where they might be hiding. Dorsal fold out doors? I guess they could be on the belly under some shielding, but that would be pretty risky for re-entry since I don't think these were mean to be one-shot launches.

"A Bruce Banner who's not obsessed with his own problems."

Other than some tech calls, I avoid them like a plague. Work tried to push all employees into using it, but that got dropped really quickly.

I was thrown a bit by the trailers so far too. I was thinking "pure horror flik" before I saw the trailer, but now I was thinking "freaky science experiment conspiracy pic". It just looks all over the place. Hopefully that will turn into a good thing.

Yep, Fox didn't just cancel Drive. They effectively did the Hollywood version of starving it in a cage, pulled out by the throat, and beat it to death with a stick. Then peed on it just for good measure. Fox kept pushing and pushing the final episode off further and further. Finally they went with "oh, if you want

The River has just not been my cup of tea. I have just been bored with it. I don't know how the ratings are holding up, but for me, I am about ready to call it quits.

No luck finding a pic of one, but hopefully this will get the idea across. Many things called "cheese straws" are not a straw, but a stick-like cracker as shown in the top pic.

heheehee, that's the problem. The darn things are like unicorn tears. I just can't find them anywhere. If I get a sec, I can try to sketch one out and post it.