
I would give it a shot ONLY if I got to drink it with that bloody M. GIve me any tasty food stuff in straw form and I will give it a go.

It is post-apocalyptic?!? Damn. I have been boozing too much then. I thought it was just "generic fantasy world". Was there a specific episode that explained this? Or was this one of those "explained in DVD commentary only" type things?

I had a telescope growing up and really enjoyed it.

The "Leap" models are junk designed to sell $20 cartridges.

But I don't want to force them. I just want to leave them behind. Stranded with all the other zombie tech... wait. sorry about that. Been watching too much Walking Dead lately.

I have really been hoping "HD" anything would finally just go away. It only gives companies the thought that they can charge more for something that should in this day and time be "standard". Example: satellite TV and cable TV charging you more for anything in "HD". Yes, I know hi def video takes up more bandwidth

Rosenbaum!!! Heelarious. It is still difficult for me to see him in live action without thinking of the Sorority Boys character.

I am freaking starved for a good RPG like the old BG series. At this point I don't care if it is PS3 or tablet, just get me one quick.

I wonder if a burning 3.5K old tree smells any different from a normal burning tree? Just think about all the stuff that had to get collected in the bark over the years. Could be really nasty, or some kind of ultrahemp.

I am a sucker for a theme album. Warp Riders was great. I wish I had a LiveCrime-style videography to go along with it.

You could tie it into the bad economy and have the new owners taking whatever job they can find and that is why they are willing to try out "ghostbusting".

Laugh if you will, but this method must be at least easier than what I have to go through just to get a damn pack of Sudafed.

Can we get a little background on the accents of the people that did the tests?

I was leaning towards PDF so far. I have not seen any non-text ereader books, so since those design books are mainly graphical charts, I didn't think Amazon/B&N would work out. I guess it would be closer to a book of house plans than a novel.

Yes, I believe there were two printing runs of each books, but after that demand dropped off so no more of the older ones were made.

On a slightly similar note... Any suggestions for giving away design books?

Doh! My fault for not reading furhter down the posts...

Good point. Maybe he is using it mockingly?

"Do you realize the universe is constantly shrinking, Superman?"

I glued the wire to the transformer, but mine just isn't working correctly.