
It looks like an orange and a pear had a baby. What did the odd orange-pear-baby taste like? Citrus-ish?

Ugggh. Giz misspelled the wording... They asked for a "helicarrier for aircraft". See, now it makes perfect sense!

The old "Poor Man's James Bond" would also be a handy one to have around.

1 xenomorph can cause problems for sure. if you get a chance check out some of the Dark Horse "Earth War" series. It gets nasty for Earth.

Hmmm. Is this it?

The sad thing is that even if that were an actual design, it would quickly be rendered chunky, fat, and depressive by the deluge of cases that would be released soon afterwards.

I do not agree with #5. Sure a body can take up land resources so I could see how someone could use that as an argument to require cremation/disintegration, but our body is one of the very few things that is absolutely our own. We don't always get to legally treat it how we want (drugs, alcohol laws, etc), but it is

Exactly!!! I would much rather pay <$100 for a small innocuous media box that I can chunk after a few years and then spend <$100 for a revamped model rather than spend >$1000 for a "smart tv".

Excellent GIF to go along with the article.

Maybe just everything except their own Google-backed WebM?

I was pretty surprised that with this design it would take 7.5 days to make it to the top. I mean, just think of all the extra stuff that would have to be brought for that: food, water, "bathrooms". Ugggh.

I was thinking The Liche King.

When Herschle finally made it back home and went in there to check on her pulse with his watch, I was really expecting him to jump up and announce she was infected.

DId it seem like it got dark awfully fast for the bar scene?

good call on the "dark scenes = less budget needs" part!

I still wonder if she is really in shock, or was actually scratched/clawed when she leaned over the barn zombie. She could be brewing like Shane's chick friend's sister did back on the mountain in season 1.

Sounds like I will have them sit this one out. For now, I am not comfortable with them around anything higher than say DC Universe Online level of violence/suggestive themes.

Mass Effect noob here. I am trying to decide if this is a game I can get and be comfortable with kids watching.

Whaaaaa?!? No Goonies jokes?!?

good call on the link.