
..."who either have a loyalty to the company stronger than any between man and dog, or simply haven't heard of Netflix"

Nice art. When I first saw it, I thought it was Edward James Olmos in a freaky Cylon battlesuit.

yeah, Leviathan was what I was thinking too. They made it look like the body in the chair was the original Jeffrey. They don't HAVE to eat the body of the people they copy do they? Or is that just to clean up the evidence?

That was pretty damned dangerous. I wonder what would be the legal problems (in the US at least), if someone had attacked the "zombie". That could have gotten very very ugly very quickly.

Excellent episode. The actor does a great Devil, but I am still not sure if I am happy to see him back in the picture or not.

i was thinking the same. I have the OWC model, and I believe they said no TRIM was necessary due to teh controller.

From an non-consumer IT point of view, being not available on physical media is one thing, but MAS-only distribution is something completely different. I freaking hate it. If you want to upgrade to a new OS or purchase an app for YOUR computer (not a companies, or not hundreds scattered throughout a company) the MAS

Thank you! Kind of surprising how many folks don't understand the difference between fragmentation and antiquity.

That is exactly what originally turned me off on the idea of reading the books. I thought it looked like they were marketed towards the teeny Twilight crowd.

And don't forget Adium. It is pretty good about lots of different protocols. I hope this doesn't kill off its development.

+ mountain lion = panther = ghost cat = devil cat

Congrats Io9. I was not very interested in this movie in the slightest, but if those 10 things where part of the book series plot (I have never read any of them), I may just give the movie shot.

What's with the 40 and 60 wt references? I don't think I have ever seen a 40 and 60. I see 45, 65, 75, 100, 150.

That is a beauty! Congrats on a artful repurposing!

Didn't Bender date that in an episode of Futurama?

Some friends have one with the freezer on the bottom. I hate it. There is no ice dispenser on this fridge. You open the freezer compartment, lean over, and scoop up ice. I am not a germ freak, but I cringe every time I have to get ice for a drink out of their fridge.

Not my group. You should hear the wails and teeth gnashing when we even began to discuss going to 10.7 (from 10.5). To them, upgrades are a fear engine. If the upgrades resulted in workflow problems I could understand their point, but the "early adopters" that we moved have been remarkably smooth (so far) with the

hehehe, now to be fair, he wasn't a "real" citizen of Krypton (or at least not until DC gets another reboot idea). I didn't have a problem with his unique form of TK.

Hold on a sec while I get my soapbox situated...

Whaaaa? CK with TK? Come on now. Can Hollywood never learn about this sort of thing? If he ends up throwing a big read SaranWrap "S" at somebody, I am so walking out of the movie.