
At least he didn't take them into "The Green"...

"And I can't remember the last time I used my Ethernet port. Most consumers are in the same position."

Hmmmm, not every day you see an article about Michael Bay and ultimate entropy. Somehow the two do seem to go together though.

Any problems using this installed version with Handbrake?

I still have a problem with them going with "X-Men: First Class" for the name. Where does it lead to for sequels? "Second Class"? That doesn't sound very good. Sounds more like "second rate".

The "time constraint" part is what sucks for me. When I do get time to play again, I have forgotten all the combos I picked up the first time. daaaaang.

Just a lousy T-shirt... "I went to the Apocalypse and all I got was...."

exactly. just saw the post after I expressed a similar view. Of course a friend who saw me write it just called me a "neocon" because of it! dang it.

This is just another instance that needs to go in the "Please Just Retire" file.


I want to see a Samurai Thrawn!

So did Valiant and Dark Horse ever pull off that "Magnus VS Terminator" deathmatch? It seemed to be vaporware for ever and ever, but I never say anything actually in print.

I basically think this same thing every time I see a "New Super MEga Phone sale!?!!!!! All models BOGO FREE!$#!!!"

Ole Snuffffffyyyyyyy!

I still think Amazon is about to cleave "Media" Prime from "Shipping" Prime and come up with two different fees that together cost ever so slightly more than Prime as it exists today.

Set aside the "why" two species would mix as a reason for the mixing of the species and which one came out with more dominant gene ratios. Who knows. They did and that is all that counts.

The tests were done with beaches two miles from a poop pipe. Wouldn't it be more surprising if they did NOT find fecal waste in the samples? Tests kind of seemed stacked to be pro-poo results. Two nasty beaches don't mean our entire coastline is a poo-crusted litter box.

A long time ago, in my teenage brain far far away, I wrote up the lack of non-stop sequence of Terminators being sent back was due to the extreme power requirements needed to forge a time bubble. SkyNet could only justify a certain amount of energy since it had to power all of its machines.

At least the elephants or rhinos would have slower reproductive rates than say the crazy frog invaders, snakes, or other smaller animals. This would hopefully help keep their populations at a helpful level and not get out of hand. Still sounds a little crazy though.

Or maybe just using some strips of reflective tape on the door instead of making your car look like a graffiti tagging accident?