
I was so glad to see I wasn't the only one thinking about this problem. I recently went out test driving some new vehicles back before Christmas and was disgusted with the "GUI" of the new trucks I tried out. Unless you dropped down the bigger bucks to get an entire "package" upgrade to give you steering wheel

Best? Not sure... But as for effective.... My vote goes for a recent F-150 crew cab. Damn thing holds tons of my ether spools, racks, and switches.

Uggggh. If I squint my eyes a tiny bit all of the designs look the same. Just a bunch of blah.


Ok, this is going to sound like two really dumb questions, but here goes...

aaaaaah, got it. thanks.

This was a little fuzzy in the article, but I am guessing then that by not plotting a direct course, they intended the spacecraft to stay in open space longer being bombarded by more rads to kill off any earthborne microbes?

I am still stinging after the season/series finale of Surface. Nothing like flooding the eastern seaboard with huge constructed tidal waves carrying intelligent aquatic monsters to really leave a viewer hanging.

Maybe he just really really really sucks at playing driving games and didn't want to embarrass himself?

You are correct... wasn't that the tennis guy she dated?

hehehe, I will have to pass along that adjective to him. I might have helped him feel a little better about it back then!

So did it poop or not? Live animals dragged out on stage just isn't the same without some on the fly poopage to freak out the presenter.

Hell, I think I would gladly pay $100-200, but what I am worried about is that they will use this as a new "contract extender". I am under no freaking contract with them or anyone, but my guess is they will only give this out to existing customers if they renew a contract.

In regards to Myth #1...

That is odd. I have had basically the opposite hold true for me.

Pretty blue and fluffish clouds might make for a happy town office, but I could see an evil manager going full Mordor with that thing. Cue "Where There's A Whip"...

false or not... You remember the scenes from Thor where we saw the weapons vault where the casket of winter was stored? There was a big freaking gauntlet sitting down there on a side shelf and at the time I was wondering if they might be implying that was the Infinity Gauntlet.

I do something similar, but I keep November 2011 and December 2011 items still around. A 60-day window of inbox items seems to work well for me.

I wasn't too happy to see what I regarded as a "forking" of the Lego distro. Relatives gave my daughter a WalMart gift card for Christmas and this weekend she saw a large display for them and wanted to buy a set with her gift card. I didn't like the look of them, but it was her money and it wasn't like she was

If they could pull off The Face of Boe, I bet they could do a pretty decent MODOK.