
Sucker Punch was great if you look at it as 3 (4?) "short stories". All the crap in the insane asylum, was just background noise and I tuned it out. But come on! Undead Nazi fighting AND mech suits combat?!? How can a geek not get into that?

Glad to see it finally get some love. I thought it was pretty damn good. I wished it had done better in the box office so we might have been able to see some additional "Battles" from around the world, not just in LA.

slightly off topic, but...

I did enjoy #8 quite a bit, but I think people took it to the wrong way. It is not that Gen X is doing the bitching, it is that they have been toiling away at life and they are a bit tired of hearing all the others doing the bitching.

I agree about dreamhost. I do not have one myself, but a buddy has been with them for a while and has been pretty pleased so far.

You are looking at it the wrong way... If the world did not produce that amount of recyclable lights, those folks would not have a job to feed themselves and their families.

Niiiice! I had forgot about those. They would come on every morning before school at like 5:30 in the morning.

Mickey's Christmas Carol is a great one.

Good call!

Yeaaa! I had forgot about ole Locky!

I want myself a nice loyal Grue. Maybe slowly over time I could teach him not to be afraid of the dar.. I mean light.

I love these each year. Hard Candy Christmas has been my fave so far.

Whaaaaaaah? Somebody is a wee freaking bit testy. Or whiny. Or both.


bah... comment system got me again.

Very disappointed they killed off Wash and let Lucas live. Boooooo.

The mom definitely seemed to react oddly.

goooooood point.

Having given in an gotten several of these things myself over the past few years, I think they are crap.

So can anyone think of a realistic situation where a NMR would encounter acid strong enough to cause pain in a natural environment?